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Please read the “Safety Precaution” carefully before operating the unit to ensure correct usage of the unit.
Pay special attention to signs of “
Warning” and “ Caution”. The “Warning” section contains matters which, if
not observed strictly, may cause death or serious injury. The “Caution” section contains matters which may result
in serious consequences if not observed properly. Please observe all instructions strictly to ensure safety.
The signs indicate the following meanings. (The following are examples of signs.)
Please keep this manual after reading.
Do not reconstruct the unit.
Water leakage, fault, short circuit or re may occur if you reconstruct the unit by
Please ask your sales agent or qualified technician for the installation of your unit.
Water leakage, short circuit or fire may occur if you install the unit by yourself.
Please use earth line.
Do not place the earth line near water or gas pipes, lightning-conductor, or the
earth line of telephone. Improper installation of earth line may cause electric
shock or re.
Be sure to use the speci ed piping set for R410A. Otherwise, this may result in
broken copper pipes or faults.
A circuit breaker should be installed depending on the mounting site of the unit.
Without a circuit breaker, the danger of electric shock exists.
Do not install the unit near a location where there is ammable gas. The outdoor
unit may catch re if ammable gas leaks around it. Piping shall be suitable
supported with a maximum spacing of 1m between the supports.
Please ensure smooth ow of water when installing the drain hose.
Make sure that a single phase 230V power source is used.
The use of other power sources may cause electrical components to overheat
and lead to re.
Avoid an extended period of direct air ow for your health.
Should abnormal situation arise (like burning smell), please stop operating the
unit and remove plug from the socket. Contact your agent. Fault, short circuit or
re may occur if you continue to operate the unit under abnormal situation.
Please contact your agent for maintenance. Improper self maintenance may cause electric
shock and re.
Please contact your agent if you need to remove and reinstall the unit. Electric shock or re
may occur if you remove and reinstall the unit yourself improperly.
Do not use any conductor as fuse wire, this could cause fatal accident.
During thunder storm, disconnect the plug top and turn off the circuit
Do not put objects like thin rods into the panel of blower and suction side
because the high-speed fan inside may cause danger.
Spray cans and other combustibles should not be located within a meter of the
air outlets of both indoor and outdoor units.
As a spray can’s internal pressure can be increased by hot air, a rupture may result.
This sign in the gure indicates prohibition. Indicates the instructions that must be followed.

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