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1. Purge all of the pressure within the washer before
disconnecting the high-pressure hose.
2. Attach all supplied accessories correctly in
accordance with the instruction manual.
Failure to observe this may result in the accessories
becoming detached or in injury.
3. Check to make sure that no foreign matter is
adhering to the object being washed.
Failure to observe this may result in the matter ying o
and causing unexpected injury.
4. Do not spray a jet of water at the areas surrounding
labels on the object being washed.
Failure to observe this may result in the labels peeling
o .
5. Grip the handle rmly when carrying the washer.
6. Children should be supervised to ensure that they
don't play with the appliance.
1. Do not switch the washer on while the trigger is
being pulled.
Failure to observe this may result in high-pressure water
being sprayed immediately, leading to unexpected
2. Do not point the nozzle at people or animals.
Failure to observe this may result in injury.
3. Make sure all residual water is drained from the
washer, the trigger gun and the hose, etc., after use.
Failure to observe this may result in freezing, leading to
4. Do not allow foreign matter to enter the hole for
connecting the rechargeable battery.
5. Never disassemble the rechargeable battery and
6. Never short-circuit the rechargeable battery.
Shortcircuiting the battery will cause a great electric
current and overheat. It results in burn or damage to the
7. Do not dispose of the battery in re. If the battery is burnt,
it may explode.
8. Bring the battery to the shop from which it was purchased
as soon as the post-charging battery life becomes too
short for practical use. Do not dispose of the exhausted
9. Do not insert object into the air ventilation slots of the
charger. Inserting metal objects or in ammables into the
charger air ventilation slots will result in electrical shock
hazard or damaged charger.
1. Keep the work area neat and tidy
Dirty water will be sprayed about when using the washer.
It is therefore necessary to check the area to make sure
there are no hindrances, and keep the work area neat
and tidy.
2. Situating the washer
Select at locations where the washer will not be
splashed with water when cleaning.
3. Set the switch to “OFF” immediately if the hose becomes
detached from the faucet or washer, and if water is no
longer being fed to the washer.
Failure to observe this may result in immediate
malfunctions (dry operations.)
4. Set the switch to “OFF” without fail when temporarily
suspending operations.
Failure to observe this may result in the motor
automatically starting up.
5. Place your nger in the center of the trigger during
Failure to observe this may result in injury from pinched
Grip the gun and nozzle rmly with both hands.
6. This product contains a strong permanent magnet in the
Observe the following precautions regarding adhering of
chips to the tool and the e ect of the permanent magnet
on electronic devices.
If you use a pacemaker or other electronic medical
device, do not operate or approach the tool. Operation
of the electronic device may be a ected.
Do not use the tool in the vicinity of precision devices
such as cell phones, magnetic cards or electronic
memory media. Doing so may lead to misoperation,
malfunction or loss of data.
1. Loose connections may result in water leaks.
2. Moisten the O-ring with water to facilitate the connection
if it is di cult to insert the hose and nozzle.
3. Remove all dirt, mud and other matter from the trigger
gun’s entry hole and the protrusion on the nozzle.
4. Set the spray adjustment to “Jet” rst of all, and then
gradually move it to the “Spray” position while pulling the
Note that there is a chance of the water being sprayed
horizontally over a wide area if this is rotated fully to the
“Spray” position.
5. Note that the nozzle may be damaged if it is forced to
move past the stop position when alternating between
“Jet” and “Spray”.
6. Commence initial washing approximately 1 meter away
from the targeted item, and then move gradually closer
while checking the level of cleaning until you reach a
distance in which soiling is e ectively washed away.
The pressure of the spray from the washer is
approximately 7-times greater than tap water. High-
pressure water jets may therefore damage or peel the
coating from the items being washed.
7. There are cases when the water spray will appear
unstable owing to the fact that air that has built up in
the pump and hose is purged together with the water
immediately after use. In this event, allow the water to
ow out until it stabilizes.
8. Leave two or more seconds gap between pulling and
releasing the trigger.
Failure to observe this may result in the pressure switch
9. Do not turn the switch ON when the tank is empty or the
faucet is shut o .
Failure to observe this may result in malfunctions.
10. The motor will automatically switch o once su cient
water pressure has built up inside the washer.
11. Lock the trigger with the trigger stopper during pauses
and after washing has been completed.
12. Leaving the washer switched on may result in dry
operations, leading to malfunctions.
13. The use of the battery in a cold condition (below 0 degree
Centigrade) can sometimes result reduced amount of
work. This, however, is a temporary phenomenon, and
returns to normal when the battery warms up.
14. Water may leak if the tank containing water is attached
and the high-pressure hose is not.
Attach the high-pressure hose and trigger gun before
attaching the tank.

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