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14. Inadequate extension cords can be dangerous.
15. Pay attention at all times when using the washer.
Pay attention to the methods of use stipulated in the
instruction manual and the surrounding environment
when using the High Pressure Washer.
Do not use the washer when tired.
16. Only use speci ed accessories and attachments.
Using accessories and attachments other than those
speci ed in the instruction manual or in Hitachi catalogs
may result in accidents or injuries and must be avoided
at all costs.
17. High Pressure Washer repairs to be performed only
by experts.
The High Pressure Washer conforms to all relevant
safety regulations and must not be modi ed.
All repairs must be requested to Hitachi authorized
service centers. Attempting to carry out repairs without
the correct skills may result in accidents or injuries.
18. Do not use the machine if a battery or important
parts of the machine are damaged, e.g. safety
devices, high pressure hoses, trigger gun.
19. Hold the trigger gun rmly in both hands when
using the washer.
Failure to observe this may result in injury.
20. High-pressure water can be dangerous if used
High-pressure water jets must not be directed at people,
animals, easily-broken items, electrical equipment or the
washer itself.
21. Do not use gasoline, oil, organic solvents or
other in ammable or toxic liquids, or any other
inappropriate liquid.
Failure to observe this may result in explosions, the
outbreak of re or smoke, or other accidents, which may
cause damage or injury.
22. When washing automobile tires, make sure that the
tip of the nozzle is kept at least 50 cm distant from
the surface being washed.
Failure to observe this may result in damage to the tire or
brakes, which may cause serious accidents.
23. Do not touch the power plug of the charger or
power socket with wet hands.
Failure to observe this may result in electric shocks.
24. High pressure washer shall not be used by children
or untrained personnel.
25. Water that has own through back ow preventers
is considered to be non-potable.
Make sure that a back ow valve is used without fail when
connecting the washer to a drinking water faucet.
Use a back ow prevention device as per EN12729 Type
Water that has passed through the back ow valve
cannot be used for drinking.
26. Make sure that water is not splashed onto the High
Pressure Washer, charger, power socket or other
areas. Also, neither exposes it to rain nor use it in
the rain.
Failure to observe this may result in electric shocks.
27. Do not hold the trigger gun when xing it in place.
28. If the washer is not functioning normally or is
emitting strange noises or vibrations switch it o
immediately and contact Hitachi authorized service
centers to request inspections or repairs.
Continued use may result in injury.
29. If the washer is accidently dropped or banged into
something solid, inspect it for damage, cracks and
Failure to observe this may result in injury.
30. Do not direct the jet against yourself or others in
order to clean clothes or foot-wear.
31. Always switch o the mains disconnecting switch
when leaving the machine unattended.
Read all safety warnings and all instructions.
Failure to follow the warnings and instructions may result in
electric shock, re and/or serious injury.
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.
1. Make sure the work area is always kept neat and
Failure to observe this may result in accidents.
2. Take the surrounding environment into
consideration when using the washer.
Make sure the work area is brightly lit.
Do not use the washer near ammable liquid or gas.
3. Beware of electric shocks.
Do not touch anything that is earthed (grounded)
when using the charger. (For example, pipes, heaters,
microwave ovens, refrigerators, etc.)
4. Do not use the washer near children.
People other than the person using the washer must not
be allowed to touch the washer or the cord.
People other than the person using the washer must not
come near the work area.
5. Store the washer in a safe place when not in use.
Store the washer in a dry, high location or protected with
a lock out of the reach of children.
6. Do not use the washer in inappropriate ways.
Use the High Pressure Washer within the limits of its
capabilities to ensure safe and e cient results.
Do not use the washer for any purpose other than that for
which it was designed.
7. Wear safe clothing when using the washer.
Use safety boots, gloves, helmets with visors and
earplugs in accordance with necessity.
8. Use protective goggles and dust-protection masks
when using the washer.
There is a chance that splashes and dust may enter the
eyes and mouth when using the washer.
9. Do not handle the power cord roughly.
Do not carry the charger with only the power cord or pull
the plug from the socket while holding the power cord.
Keep the power cord away from heat, oil and sharp
10. Make sure the item being cleaned is rmly xed in
There are cases in which the power of the water pressure
will cause light objects to y o . Do not use the washer
on light objects that cannot be xed in place.
11. Maintain a proper stance when using the washer.
Make sure your feet are always placed rmly on the
ground to maintain balance.
12. Pay close attention to maintaining the High
Pressure Washer.
Clean the washer regularly to ensure safe and e cient
Refer to the instruction manual when replacing supplied
Regularly check the power cord of the charger and ask
your dealer for repairs in the event of it being damaged.
If using an extension cord, check it regularly and replace
it in the event of it being damaged.
Make sure the grip is always kept dry and clean, and do
not allow oil of grease to come into contact with it.
13. Switch o and disconnect the battery pack from the
High Pressure Washer in the following situations:
When it is not in use and when it is being repaired.
When attaching or detaching supplied or purchased
In other situations in which risks seem apparent.
(Original instructions)

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