• er staat na het vervangen van mijn inktpatronen plaats toebehoren op het scherm en mijn printer weigert dienst, het gaat om een hp2840.. wat moet ik doen?

    Gesteld op 7-12-2014 om 15:47 in forum HP Color LaserJet 2840 Misbruik melden
    • Hallo,

      Ik heb dat al eens eerder gehad en met deze uitleg opgelost.
      Reinstall print cartridge.
      Power cycle device.
      If the problem is not solved, replace the cartridge.

      NOTE: The software CD-ROM that came with the HP Color LaserJet 2820/2830/2840 all-one includes an animated tutorial that shows how to replace the print cartridges.

      Remove any media from the ADF, and then push the scanner-release button to open the scanner assembly.

      Open the cartridge door.
      Make sure that the correct print-cartridge slot is in the access position.
      If the correct print-cartridge slot is not in the access position, close the top cover and the scanner assembly, and then press ROTATE CAROUSEL until the correct print-cartridge slot is in the correct position.
      Pinch together the two large blue tabs on the first cartridge, and then lift the cartridge straight up to remove it from the carousel.
      Remove the new print cartridge from its packaging, remove the orange cover from the print cartridge, and then pull the orange tab straight out to remove the sealing tape.
      Squeeze the blue release levers on the print cartridge, holding it with the roller facing you. Lower the cartridge straight down into the carousel until it is firmly in place.
      To replace another cartridge, close the top cover and the scanner assembly, press ROTATE CAROUSEL , and then repeat the previous steps.

      NOTE: If a black print cartridge was replaced, then the device prompts to have a cleaning page ran, unless the device page count is less than 100 pages.

      Close the top cover, and then close the scanner assembly.

      Gr. jan

      Geantwoord op 27-1-2015 om 20:12

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