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Aruba 300 Series Wireless Access Point | Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information Guide 7
Configuring the 300 Series Access Points
Access Point Provisioning/Reprovisioning
Provisioning parameters are unique to each access point. These local access point parameters are initially configured on the
controller which are then pushed out to the access point and stored on the access point itself. Aruba recommends that
provisioning settings be configured via the ArubaOS Web UI only. Refer to the ArubaOS User Guide for complete details.
Access Point Configuration
Configuration parameters are network or controller specific and are configured and stored on the controller. Network
configuration settings are pushed out to the access point but remain stored on the controller.
Configuration settings can be configured via the ArubaOS Web UI or ArubaOS CLI. Refer to the ArubaOS User Guide for
complete details.
Electrical and Environmental Specifications
For additional specifications on this product, please refer to the product data sheet at www.arubanetworks.com/
One 100/1000 Base-T auto-sensing Ethernet RJ45 interface
Power over Ethernet IEEE 802.3at 56VDC (nominal) and 802.3af 48VDC (nominal).
Maximum (worst-case) power consumption: 13.5W (802.3af PoE) or 12W (DC)
Excludes power consumed by external USB device (and internal overhead); this could add up
to 6W (PoE) or 5.5W (DC) for 5W/1A USB device
Direct DC source: 12Vdc nominal, +/- 5%
Power over Ethernet (PoE): 802.3at and 802.3af complaint source
Connect only to IEC 60950-1 or IEC 60601-1 3rd edition products and power sources.
Temperature: 0°C to +50°C (+32°F to +122°F)
Humidity: 5% to 93% non-condensing
Storage and transport:
Temperature: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F)
Regulatory Information
The following regulatory model names apply to the 300 Series access points:
The instructions for this section are applicable to the AP-304 and AP-305 only.
All Aruba access points should be professionally installed by an Aruba Certified Mobility Professional (ACMP). The installer is
responsible for ensuring that grounding is available and meets applicable national and electrical codes.
Tous les points d'accès Aruba doivent impérativement être installés par un professionnel agréé. Ce dernier doit s'assurer
que l'appareil est mis à la terre et que le circuit de mise à la terre est conforme aux codes électriques nationaux en vigueur.
If a power adapter other than the Aruba-approved adapter is used in the US or Canada, it should be NRTL listed, with an
output rated 12Vdc, minimum 2A, marked “LPS” and “Class 2”, and suitable for plugging into a standard power receptacle in
the US and Canada.

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