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Failure removal
Failures Causes Removal
Compressor not starting after being
switched on
Pressure in the air jet exceeds the
closing pressure
Release the pressure in the air jet so
that the pressure switch gets automa
tically switched on
Defective supply Have the current supply checked by
an authorised person
Defective pressure switch Have the pressure switch replaced by
an authorised person (Güde service
Worn carbons Replace the carbons
After reaching the closed pressure,
the compressor runs or buzzes for
a short time and then switches o
Electric cable is too long or its cross
section is too small
Check the length and cross section of
the electric cable
Compressor running constantly Suction lter is very dirty Clean or replace the suction lter
Pneumatic tools have high air
Check the pneumatic tool air
consumption; seek an authorised
compressed air dealer
Leaking on the compressor Localise the leaking, contact the Güde
service centre
Compressed-air pipeline leaking Contact the Güde service centre
Drain valve is open or missing Close or insert the drain valve
Compressed air is released from the
discharge valve under the pressure
switch when the appliance is being
Discharge valve is leaking Clean or replace the discharge valve
After reaching the cut-o pressure,
air is released from the discharge
valve under the pressure switch
until the closing pressure is reached
Check valve insert is leaking or
Clean or replace the check valve insert
Check valve is damaged Replace the check valve
Compressor gets started too often Too much condensate in the air jet Drain the condensate
Compressor is overloaded
Safety valve blowing o Pressure in the air jet exceeds the set
cut-o pressure
Have the pressure switch adjusted/re
placed by an authorised person (Güde
service centre)
Safety valve is defective Replace the safety valve or contact
the Güde service centre
Compressor getting warm too
Air supply is not sucient Make sure sucient air supply and
outlet (minimum distance from wall is
40 cm) is provided
Cooling ns on the cylinder (cylinder
head) are dirty
Clean the cooling ns on the cylinder
(cylinder head)
Too long time of appliance operation Switch the compressor o
Compressor being overheated and
keeps switching o
Compressor is overloaded Contact the Güde service centre
Compressor is defective Contact the Güde service centre
Compressor under undervoltage Contact the Güde service centre
Outdoor temperature of 35°C

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