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Disposal instructions are illustrated in the form
of pictograms on the device or packaging.
Description of the pictograms is given in “Iden-
tication” chapter.
Disposal of transport packaging
Packaging protects the device against dam-
age during transport. Packaging materials are
usually selected according to their eect on
environment and disposal methods and can
therefore be recycled.
Returning of the packaging back to circula-
tion saves resources and costs for packaging
Parts of the packaging (e.g. foil, styropor) may
be dangerous for children. Risk of suocation!
Keep these parts of the packaging out of reach
of children and dispose as soon as possible.
Before carrying out any work on the machine,
disconnect the plug from the socket.
Run the accessory connected dry until there is no
more air in the receiver.
Prior to every use, visually check the machine to rule
out any defects, in particular on the power cable and
the plug.
Safety valve Functional check.
The machine must not be used under any circum
stances if the machine or the safety devices are
Use only original accessories and original spare parts.
Never clean the machine and its components with
solvents, ammable or toxic liquids. Us only a damp
cloth making.
Only a regularly maintained and treated appliance
can serve as a satisfactory aid. Insucient mainte
nance and care can lead to unforeseen accidents and
If necessary, a list of spare parts can be found at
A warranty period of 12 months applies to com-
mercial use and 24 months apply to private use and
commences on the day of purchase of the device.
Warranty applies exclusively to failures due to defec
tive material or workmanship. An original sale slip
with indication of date of sale must be presented in
case of claiming for the warranty rights.
Warranty does not cover unprofessional use such as
device overload, violent use, damage caused by third
party or foreign materials, failure to comply with
operations and assembly manual, and normal wear
and tear.
Any technical questions? Complaint? Do you
need spare parts or operation manual?
Go to our website www.guede.com and the
section Service will help you quickly and
without bureaucracy. Please, help us to help
you. In order to identify your device in case of
complaint, please indicate serial number, order
number and year of manufacture. All informati-
on is available on the product label. To have all
information always at hand, put them down.
Phone: +49 (0) 79 04 / 700-360
Fax: +49 (0) 79 04 / 700-51999
E-Mail: support@ts.guede.com
Serial No.:
Art. No:
Year of production:
Important information for the
Please be sure to know that returning the
product in or after the warranty period must be
made in the original packaging.

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