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Residual risks and protective measures
Inappropriate local lighting
Inadequate lighting represents a high safety risk
Appropriate lighting should always be provided when
working with the appliance.
Disconnect the appliance from compressed air and store it
Behaviour in case of emergency
Provide necessary first aid treatment corresponding to the
injury nature and seek qualified medical help as soon as
possible. Protect the injured person from other injuries and
calm him/her down.
First aid kit must always be available in the place of
your work in case of accident in accordance with DIN
13164. Material taken out of the first aid kit needs to be
supplemented right away.
If help is needed,
please provide the following details:
1. Place of accident
2. Accident nature
3. Number of injured persons
4. Injury type
The disposal instructions are based on icons placed on the
appliance or its package. The description of the meanings
can be found in the “Marking” chapter.
Transport package disposal
The package protects the appliance against damage
during transport. Packing materials are usually chosen
depending on their environmental friendliness and disposal
method and can therefore be recycled.
Returning the package to material circulation saves raw
materials and reduces waste disposal costs.
Parts of packages (e.g. foils, styropor) can be dangerous
to children. Risk of suffocation!
Keep parts of packages away from children and dispose
them as soon as possible.
Operating staff requirements
The operator must carefully read the Operating
Instructions before using the appliance.
No special qualification is necessary for using the
appliance apart from detailed instruction by an expert.
Minimum age
The appliance can only be operated by persons over 16
years of age. An exception includes youngsters operating
the appliance within their professional education to achieve
necessary skills under trainer's supervision.
Using the appliance only requires appropriate instructions
by a professional or reading the Operating Instructions. No
special training necessary.
Do you have any technical questions? A claim? Do you
need spare parts or the Operating Instructions?
You will be helped quickly and without needless
bureaucracy at our webpage www.guede.com in the
Services part. Please help us be able to assist you. To be
able to identify your appliance when claimed, we need to
know its serial No., order No. and year of production. All
these details can be found on the type label. Enter the
details below for future reference.
Serial No.:
Order No.:
Year of production:
Tel.: +49 (0) 79 04 / 700-360
Fax: +49 (0) 79 04 / 700-51999
E-Mail: support@ts.guede.com

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