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Inspections and Maintenance Schedule
Description Other Details if Necessary
As needed
Clean the unit and grease the moving parts
Troubles – Causes - Troubleshooting
Trouble Cause Troubleshooting
Vehicle lifting
jack will not lift
or will not lift the
specific load.
Drain valve not closed properly.
Too little hydraulic oil in the system.
Air in the hydraulic system.
Valves not closed or contaminated.
Close the drain valve by turning the lifting lever to the right.
Replenish the hydraulic oil according to the description in the
De-aerate the system according to the description in the manual.
To rinse the valves, push the piston and close the drain valve
quickly. Lift the drain valve with hand and push and push the
piston down as fast as possible.
The lifting jack
will lower under
the weight of the
Drain valve not closed properly.
Valves not closed or contaminated.
Close he drain valve by turning the lifting lever to the right
To rinse the valves, push the piston down and close the drain
valve. Lift the piston several times by hand, open the drain valve
and push the piston down as fast as possible.
Oil will escape
from the oil
Too much oil in the system Drain the required amount of oil from the filler hole. Mind the
regulations for the oil disposal.
pressure at
Too little hydraulic oil in the system.
Valves not closed or contaminated.
Pour the hydraulic oil in the filler hole.
To rinse the valves, push the piston down and close the drain
valve. Lift the piston with hand several times, close the drain
valve and push the piston down as fast as possible.
Lifting lever will
move up and
down under the
weight of the
Valves not closed or contaminated. To rinse the valves, push the piston down and close the drain
valve. Lift the piston with hand several times, close the drain
valve and push the piston down as fast as possible.
Vehicle lifting
jack unable to
reach the full
Too little hydraulic oil in the system.
Air in the hydraulic system.
Pour the hydraulic oil in the filler hole.
Open the drain valve, pump the lifting lever several times. Close
the drain valve, Repeat the procedure if necessary.
Any technical questions? Complaint? Do you need spare parts or operation manual?
Go to our website www.guede.com and the section Service will help you quickly and without bureaucracy. Please, help us to help
you. In order to identify your device in case of complaint, please indicate serial number, order number and year of manufacture. All
information is available on the product label. To have all information always at hand, put them down.
Serial number:
Order number:
Year of manufacture:
Phone: +49 (0) 79 04 / 700-360
Fax: +49 (0) 79 04 / 700-51999
E-Mail: support@ts.guede.com
Important information for the customer
Please be sure to know that returning the product in or after the warranty period must be made in the original packaging.

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