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Use as designated
Impact wrenches for loosening and tightening screws by
compressed air. See Technical specifications for the
tightening torque and loosening torque.
This appliance must not be used for any works other than for
which the appliance has been designed and that are
specified in the Operating Instructions.
Any other use will be considered a use in conflict with the
designation. The manufacturer will not be liable for any
consequential damage or injuries. Please be sure to know
that the appliance has not been designed for industrial
The disposal instructions are based on icons placed on the
appliance or its package. The description of the meanings
can be found in the “Marking“ section.
Transport package disposal
The package protects the appliance against damage during
transport. Packing materials are usually chosen depending
on their environmental friendliness and disposal method and
can therefore be recycled. Returning the package to material
circulation saves raw materials and reduces waste disposal
costs. Parts of packages (e.g. foils, styropor®) can be
dangerous to children. Risk of suffocation! Keep parts of
packages away from children and dispose them as soon as
Operator requirements
The operator must carefully read and understand the
Operating Instructions before using the appliance.
No special qualification is necessary for using the appliance
apart from detailed instruction by an expert.
Minimum age
The appliance can only be operated by persons over 16
years of age. An exception includes youngsters operating
the appliance within their professional education to achieve
necessary skills under trainer's supervision.
Using the appliance only requires appropriate instructions by
a professional or reading the Operating Instructions. No
special training necessary.
Keep the impact wrench in a dry, elevated and locked place
inaccessible to children.
Before starting the appliance
Air supply
Lubricate the appliance before putting it into operation
(see Servicing).
Disconnect the air supply hose whenever you want to fit
socket nuts or extensions to the appliance or whenever you
want to undo them.
Safety instructions for the operator
Do not use the appliance before reading carefully the
Operating Instructions.
Follow all safety instructions given in the Operating
Behave responsibly to other persons.
Walk, do not run when working.
Use the right working clothes at all times.
Provide good stability.
Safety notice!
Wear protective glasses! Wear ear protectors!
Before daily operation, please drain water from the
compressor tank and blow out the condensate from the air
hose at all times.
Now start the compressor. The maximum operating pressure
of air is 6 bar.
The power (torque) of the impact wrenches under primary
working conditions is especially determined by three aspects:
a) Operating pressure applied
b) Duration of work step on the screw connection. The
normal working time for one screw connection is 3-5 seconds
on average.
c) Setting of the switch lever in relation to the screw
connection in proportion to the hammering time.
Due to the use of screws and materials of various hardness,
there as increased friction, which brings a higher torque
without a screw being tightened more firmly.
For rusty screw connections you should use an appropriate
rust dissolving agent before using the impact wrench. If
screw connections are still not loosened after 3-5 seconds of
hammering, a one degree higher impact wrench needs to be
Do not overload the impact wrench to exceed the specified
performance limit as this would drastically shorten the
appliance life.
NOTE: The tightening torque on the screw connection is
directly connected with the screw firmness, appliance
revolutions, conditions of the power socket keys used and
time of using the impact wrench in the specific case of
screwing. Use the most direct and easiest connection
between the appliance and the power socket nut. Each extra
connection and extension absorbs and reduces the
appliance performance.
Picture B shows the setting of loosening torques.
Picture C shows the use of the impact wrench with a
mist lubricator.
Servicing and treatment
CAUTION: Follow the maintenance instructions
applicable to this appliance. Maintenance works not
specified in this document must be performed by
authorised servicing staff.
1. Disconnect the impact wrench from air supply.
2. Add 4-6 drops of GÜDE pneumatic oil, Art. No.40060
(we recommend the GÜDE mist lubricator, Art. No.
41354) or equivalent oil to the air inlet while the starter
is being pressed.
3. Now reconnect the appliance to the air supply and let it
run for app. 30 seconds to allow excessive oil to drain
This lubrication process contributes to the reduction of
moisture, dust and dirt that get deposited in time in every
compressor when using it and reduce its performance. The
best protection against deposition is offered by integrated oil

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