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To enjoy your new appliance as long as possible, please
read carefully the Operating Instructions and the attached
safety instructions before using it. Further, we recommend
keeping the Operating Instructions to recall the product
features in the future.
Within the continuous product development, we reserve the
right to make technical changes to improve it.
This document represents original Operating
Supply includes
Take the appliance out of the transport package and check it
whether there are the following parts:
1 piece Pneumatic impact wrench
1 piece User Guide
Please contact your dealer if any parts are missing or are
Appliance description (pic. A)
1. Appliance fixture
2. R/L switch lever
3. Operating button
4. Compressed air connection
5. Torque setting (#36616 only)
Technical specifications
½" PROFI Pneumatic Impact Wrench
Connecting thread: ¼“
Operating pressure: 6 bar
Air consumption: 320-530 l per minute
Idle speed: 10,000 per min
Torque: 350 Nm
Driving square: ½”
Weight: 2.4 kg
Art. No. 36616
½" PROFI TWIN Pneumatic Impact Wrench
Connecting thread: ¼“
Operating pressure: 6 bar
Air consumption: 350 l per minute
Idle speed: 7,000 per min
Right rotation:
Left rotation:
410 Nm
500 Nm
Driving square: ½”
Weight: 2.4 kg
Art. No. 36618
General safety instructions
Please read and follow all these instructions before putting
the appliance into operation.
Keep these safety instructions for future reference!
Safe work
Keep the place of your work clean!
Any mess in the place of your work may result in injuries.
Consider the environment influences
Do not expose the appliance to rain.
Do not use the appliance in a moist or wet environment.
Provide adequate lighting.
Do not use the appliance near flammable liquids or gases.
Keep other persons in a safe distance!
Keep other persons, especially children, in a safe distance
from the place of your work.
Store the appliance properly!
An appliance that is not being used must be kept in a dry and
locked place, inaccessible to children.
Do not overload the appliance!
Work within the specified power range.
Use the right appliance!
Do not use an appliance with a low output for heavy works.
Do not use the appliance for purposes for which it has not
been designed.
Wear appropriate working clothing!
Do not wear wide clothing or jewels as they could get caught
in the moving parts.
Shoes with an anti-slip sole are recommended for outdoor
Wear a hairnet if you have long hair.
Use protective equipment!
Wear protective glasses at all times.
Avoid any abnormal body!
Provide stability to keep balance at all times.
Take care of your appliance!
Keep the appliance clean – it will work better and safer.
Follow the servicing regulations and tool replacement
Keep the handles dry, with no oil and grease.
Be careful!
Pay attention to what you are doing. Work reasonably. Do
not use the appliance when you are tired
Have your appliance repaired by an electrician only!
This appliance meets the applicable safety provisions. Any
repairs may only be executed by an electrician, using original
spare parts, otherwise, the user could face a risk of injury.
Appliance-specific safety instructions
Read carefully all instructions before putting the
pneumatic appliance into operation. All persons engaged
in the appliance operation must be fully familiarised with the
safety regulations before using the appliance.
All servicing works and repairs may only be performed
by authorised experts.
Power socket nuts to be used for impact wrenches only.
Never use any other types of socket nuts.
Never use power socket nuts with worn-out or knocked-
out driving square. Before each use, check whether the
driving square for power socket nuts and extension or
spindle of the impact wrench are not worn out or show any
hairline crack. Before use, make sure the power socket nut is
firmly fixed on the driving square of the appliance.
Make sure to use a compressor with a sufficient amount of
supplied air (see Technical specifications).
Before each use, check whether the power control is set
appropriately. Any incorrect setting may lead to screw
connection breaking or tearing off and uncontrollable
movement of the appliance.
Before putting the appliance into operation, make sure
the switchover valve for right and left rotation is in the
appropriate position.
Do not put the appliance into operation before the power
socket nuts are firmly and properly fitted on the screw or nut
At regular intervals, check the pneumatic hose and all
connections if not worn out.
Carry the appliance by the handle, not the hose. When
doing so, your hand must not be near the operating button.
Do not try to hold or guide the appliance by the rotating
power socket nuts.

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