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Veneer or other fi nish of the furniture the appliance is being
built into should be processed with heat-resistant glue (100°C);
otherwise, high temperatures may cause them to deform.
Before installing the appliance, remove the back wall from
the piece of kitchen furniture the appliance is being built into,
along the entire length of the cutout.
The installation cutout should be dimensioned as indicated in
the fi gure.
The bottom panel of the piece of kitchen furniture (max. 530
mm) should always be shorter than the side walls to enable
adequate air circulation.
Level the piece of furniture the appliance was built into with a
spirit level.
The piece of kitchen furniture the appliance is built into must
be secured against movement, e.g. attached to the adjacent
pieces of kitchen furniture.
Push the appliance into the kitchen furniture element enough
that the guides for the screws that are inserted in the oven
frame holes are placed against the kitchen element side walls.
When attaching the appliance, make sure the screws are not
fastened too strongly as this may damage the furniture or the
appliance enamel coating.
The appliance may only be connected by a qualifi ed expert.
The appliance should be fi tted with a device that disconnects it from all poles of the home
network (an omnipolar switch), with at least 3 mm of distance between the contacts in open
position. LS-switches or fuses are appropriate.
To connect the appliance, use the rubber mains cords (type HO5RR-F with the green/yellow
earth wire), PVC insulated (type HO5VV-F with the green/yellow earth wire), or other equivalent
or superior cables.
Veneer, glue, or plastic fi nish of the furniture next to which the cooker is installed, should be
treated heat resistant (>75°C). If the veneers are not high temperature resistant, they may be
Packaging (plastic foil, polystyrene, etc.) must be kept out of reach of children, as it can be
a source or threat to them. Small parts can be swallowed by the children, and the foils are
hazardous because of the risk of suffocation.
Important warnings
Instructions for installation and connection

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