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Touch the key to
select the cooking
In this mode, the air will circulate without any heaters operating.
Only the fan will be activated. Use this function to slowly defrost
frozen food (cakes, pastry, bread, rolls, and deep-frozen fruit).
By selecting the relevant symbol you may specify the type of food,
weight, or defrosting start and end time.
Halfway through the defrost time, the pieces should be turned
over, stirred and separated if they were frozen together.
Dough – rising and proofing
Use this function to rise or proof leavened dough. Optimum
temperature is maintained which will stimulate the yeasts and
speed up the rising process.
Quick preheat
Use the preheat function if you wish to heat the oven to the
desired temperature as quickly as possible. This mode is not
appropriate for cooking. When the oven heats up to the selected
temperature, the preheat process is completed and the oven is
ready for cooking with the selected cooking mode.
Reheating can be used to keep the food that is already cooked
warm. Select the symbol to set the temperature, and reheating
start and end time.
Steam column
Use this function to simultaneously cook different types of food
in dishes placed in a column. The food is cooked with steam
rising form the food placed at the bottom. Place the dishes with
higher food content (sauces, soups) into the first dish; place meat,
vegetables, and sides into the second dish; and place the desserts
into the third one. (The function is only effective with appropriate

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