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Ingredients: For 24 pikelets
1 ½ cup all-purpose flour (200 g)
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp active dry yeast
1 tbsp warm water (110 °)
2 eggs
¾ cup milk (180 ml)
2 tbsp melted unsalted butter (30g)
pinch of salt
Mix together the flour and sugar. Dilute the
yeast in a Tablespoon of warm water. Mix
the eggs, milk, melted butter, salt and diluted
yeast in a mixing bowl. Gradually add this
mixture to the flour and sugar, mixture until
you obtain a smooth batter. Leave to rise for
30 min.
Cooking: Thermostat 5
Lightly grease the griddle with a cotton cloth
moistened with oil. Pour ½ ladle full of batter
onto the griddle to make a pikelet 3 in (7
cm) in diameter. You can make 2 pikelets at
a time. Wait until the batter sets about 45
seconds before turning them over with the
spatula. Leave to cook for 1 min. on the other
side. Serve hot with apricot, strawberry or
cherry jam and accompany with mandarin
or orange segments.
Suggestions for fillings: Spread the pi-
kelets with butter, chocolate, lemon juice,
maple syrup, honey, or pieces of fresh fruit.
Ingredients: For 20 potato buckwheat ga-
¾ lb. russet potatoes (300 g) peeled and
1 small yellow onion, peeled and quartered
2 eggs
1 tsp salt, or more to taste
½ cup water (120 ml)
2 ½ cup low-fat milk (600 ml)
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
time for the potatoes
In ½ gallon water, boil the peeled potatoes
and onion until a fork can be easily inserted.
In a mixing bowl, mix the flour, eggs, salt,
pepper, water and milk so as to obtain a
smooth batter. Mash the cooked potatoes
and onion. Add this mixture to the batter.
Cooking: Thermostat 6
Fill the ladle and pour the batter onto the gri-
ddle so as to form a galette approximately 5
in (12 cm) in diameter. You can make 3 ga-
lettes at a time on the griddle. Leave the first
side to cook until the batter is set (approx.
1 min.). Flip with the spatula and cook 45
seconds on the other side.
Potato galettes with hot preserved
gizzards:Place 3 potato galettes on a plate
garnished with lettuce leaves. Put slices of to-
mato and chopped walnuts on the galettes.
Season with vinaigrette dressing. In a frying
pan, brown some slices of gizzard and then
spread them on the galettes.
Suggestions for fillings:
Goat cheese,
38 39

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Gastroback 44005 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

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