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Ingredients: For 16 to 18 Beghrirs
1 ½ cup water (350 ml)
1 tsp yeast
1 cup semolina flour (170 g)
¾ cup all-purpose flour (100 g), sifted
1 tsp sugar
½ tsp salt
2 eggs
Place the water and milk on low heat to
warm. Dilute the yeast in two tablespoons of
warm water. In a mixing bowl, mix the se-
molina, flour, sugar and salt. Beat the eggs
for 30 seconds with a whisk, add the dilut-
ed yeast, then the warmed water and milk.
Gradually add this mixture to the flour. Whip
for a few minutes to obtain a thick, creamy
batter. Cover with a cloth and leave to rise
for 2 hours in a warm place.
Cooking: Thermostat 5-7
Grease the griddle with a cotton cloth lightly
moistened with oil. Pour about
3 of a ladle
of batter and gently spread with the base of
the ladle so that you form a beghrir 5 in (12
cm) in diameter. You can make 3 beghrirs at
a time. Leave to cook for approximately 2 mi-
nutes, a lot of little holes will form. When the
beghrirs are cooked, do not turn them over,
but place them on a cookie sheet, smooth
side down in a single layer.
Light and melt-in-the-mouth, beghrirs are ea-
ten hot. Spread every other beghrir with mel-
ted butter and pile them up on a plate. On
the last one, pour honey. When you serve
them, each individual can add honey and
sugar to his beghrir.
Suggestions for fillings: Eaten hot, be-
ghrirs can also be spread with grated coco-
nut, jam.
Ingredients: For 20 spring roll skins
½ cup all-purpose flour (70 g)
2 eggs
Pinch salt
Mix the two types of flour, eggs and salt in a
mixing bowl. Gradually add the water so as
to obtain a runny batter.
Cooking:Thermostat 3
Spreading the spring roll skins calls for great
dexterity. Pour ¾ of a ladle of batter in the
center of the griddle and rapidly spread with
the rake to form a fine pancake 9 in (23cm)
in diameter. Leave to cook for 30 seconds,
flip with the spatula and cook for another
30 seconds. Keep in a cloth so they remain
32 oz (250 g) cooked pork cut in strips,
4 oz (100 g) shelled prawns,
3 sliced green onions,
1 cup (250 g) bean sprouts,
¼ cup (60 g) cucumber, garlic, salt, chives,
green salad, mint.
Preparation: slice and mix the ingredients.
Place the equivalent of 2 tablespoons of the
preparation on the skin, roll over once, fold
in the edges and then finish rolling. Serve on
a bed of lettuce leaves, garnish with pieces
of avocado and accompany with a prepared
Asian dipping sauce.
36 37

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Gastroback 44005 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

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