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points every second. It creates a very detailed record of your
activity and increases the size of the stored activity file.
Cadence Averaging: Controls whether the device includes zero
values for cadence data that occur when you are not
pedaling. The default setting excludes zero values that occur
when you are not pedaling.
Changing the Units of Measure
You can customize units of measure for distance and speed,
elevation, temperature, weight, position format, and time format.
Select > Settings > System > Units.
Select a measurement type.
Select a unit of measure for the setting.
Turning the Device Tones On and Off
Select > Settings > System > Tones.
Changing the Device Language
Select > Settings > System > Language.
Changing the Configuration Settings
You can modify all of the settings you configured in the initial
Select > Settings > System > Device Reset > Initial
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Time Zones
Each time you turn on the device and acquire satellites or sync
with your smartphone, the device automatically detects your
time zone and the current time of day.
Device Information
Edge Specifications
Battery type Rechargeable, built-in lithium-ion battery
Battery life 12 hr., typical usage
Operating temperature
From -20º to 60ºC (from -4º to 140ºF)
Charging temperature
From 0º to 45ºC (from 32º to 113ºF)
Radio frequency/
2.4 GHz ANT+ wireless communications
Bluetooth Smart wireless technology
Water rating IEC 60529 IPX7*
*The device withstands incidental exposure to water of up to 1 m
for up to 30 min. For more information, go to www.garmin.com
Device Care
Do not store the device where prolonged exposure to extreme
temperatures can occur, because it can cause permanent
Never use a hard or sharp object to operate the touchscreen, or
damage may result.
Avoid chemical cleaners, solvents, and insect repellents that can
damage plastic components and finishes.
Secure the weather cap tightly to prevent damage to the USB
Cleaning the Device
Wipe the device using a cloth dampened with a mild
detergent solution.
Wipe it dry.
After cleaning, allow the device to dry completely.
Resetting the Device
If the device stops responding, you may need to reset it. This
does not erase any of your data or settings.
Hold for 10 seconds.
The device resets and turns on.
Clearing User Data
You can restore all of the device settings to the factory default
NOTE: This deletes all user-entered information, but it does not
delete your history.
Select > Settings > System > Device Reset > Factory
Reset > .
Maximizing Battery Life
Turn on Battery Save Mode (Turning On Battery Save
Mode, page 11).
Decrease the backlight brightness (Using the Backlight,
page 2) or shorten the backlight timeout (Display Settings,
page 10).
Select the Smart recording interval (Data Recording Settings,
page 10).
Turn on the Auto Sleep feature (Using Auto Sleep, page 10).
Turn off the Bluetooth wireless feature (Bluetooth Settings,
page 10).
Select the GPS setting (Changing the Satellite Setting,
page 10).
Turning On Battery Save Mode
Battery save mode adjusts the settings automatically to extend
the battery life for longer rides. During an activity, the screen
turns off. You can enable automatic alerts and tap the screen to
wake it up. Battery save mode records GPS track points and
sensor data less frequently. Speed, distance, and track data
accuracy are reduced.
NOTE: History is recorded in battery save mode when the timer
is running.
Select > Settings > Battery Save Mode > Enable.
Select the alerts that wake up the screen during an activity.
Improving GPS Satellite Reception
Frequently sync the device to your Garmin Connect account:
Connect your device to a computer using the USB cable
and the Garmin Express
Sync your device to the Garmin Connect Mobile app using
your Bluetooth enabled smartphone.
While connected to your Garmin Connect account, the device
downloads several days of satellite data, allowing it to quickly
locate satellite signals.
Take your device outside to an open area away from tall
buildings and trees.
Remain stationary for a few minutes.
Setting Your Elevation
If you have accurate elevation data for your present location,
you can manually calibrate the altimeter on your device.
Select Where To? > > Set Elevation.
Enter the elevation, and select .
Device Information 11

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Andere handleiding(en) van Garmin Edge Explore 820

Garmin Edge Explore 820 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 22 pagina's

Garmin Edge Explore 820 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 22 pagina's

Garmin Edge Explore 820 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 22 pagina's

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