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Select Auto Features > Auto Lap > Auto Lap Trigger > By
Position > Lap At.
Select an option:
Select Lap Press Only to trigger the lap counter each
time you select and each time you pass any of those
locations again.
Select Start and Lap to trigger the lap counter at the GPS
location where you select and at any location during
the ride where you select .
Select Mark and Lap to trigger the lap counter at a
specific GPS location marked before the ride and at any
location during the ride where you select .
If necessary, customize the lap data fields (Customizing the
Data Screens, page 9).
Marking Laps by Distance
You can use the Auto Lap feature to mark the lap at a specific
distance automatically. This feature is helpful for comparing your
performance over different parts of a ride (for example, every 10
miles or 40 kilometers).
Select > Settings > Activity Settings.
Select Auto Features > Auto Lap > Auto Lap Trigger > By
Distance > Lap At.
Enter a value.
If necessary, customize the lap data fields (Customizing the
Data Screens, page 9).
Using Auto Pause
You can use the Auto Pause
feature to pause the timer
automatically when you stop moving or when your speed drops
below a specified value. This feature is helpful if your ride
includes stop lights or other places where you need to slow
down or stop.
NOTE: History is not recorded while the timer is stopped or
Select > Settings > Activity Settings.
Select Auto Features > Auto Pause.
Select an option:
Select When Stopped to pause the timer automatically
when you stop moving.
Select Custom Speed to pause the timer automatically
when your speed drops below a specified value.
If necessary, customize optional time data fields
(Customizing the Data Screens, page 9).
Using Auto Sleep
You can use the Auto Sleep feature to automatically enter sleep
mode after 5 minutes of inactivity. During sleep mode, the
screen is turned off and the ANT+ sensors, Bluetooth, and GPS
are disconnected.
Select > Settings > Activity Settings.
Select Auto Features > Auto Sleep.
Using Auto Scroll
You can use the Auto Scroll feature to automatically cycle
through all of the training data screens while the timer is
Select > Settings > Activity Settings.
Select Auto Features > Auto Scroll.
Select a display speed.
Starting the Timer Automatically
This feature automatically detects when your device has
acquired satellites and is moving. It starts the timer or reminds
you to start the timer so you can record your ride data.
Select > Settings > Activity Settings.
Select Timer Start Mode.
Select an option:
Select Manual, and select to start the timer.
Select Prompted to display a visual reminder when you
reach the start notice speed.
Select Auto to start the timer automatically when you
reach the start notice speed.
Bluetooth Settings
Select > Settings > Bluetooth.
Enable: Enables Bluetooth wireless technology.
NOTE: Other Bluetooth settings appear only when Bluetooth
wireless technology is enabled.
Friendly Name: Allows you to enter a friendly name that
identifies your devices with Bluetooth wireless technology.
Pair Smartphone: Connects your device with a compatible
Bluetooth enabled smartphone. This setting allows you to use
Bluetooth connected features, including LiveTrack and
activity uploads to Garmin Connect.
Call and Text Alerts: Allows you to enable phone notifications
from your compatible smartphone.
Missed Calls and Texts: Displays missed phone notifications
from your compatible smartphone.
System Settings
Select > Settings > System.
Display Settings (Display Settings, page 10)
Data Recording Settings (Data Recording Settings,
page 10)
Unit Settings (Changing the Units of Measure, page 11)
Tone Settings (Turning the Device Tones On and Off,
page 11)
Language Settings (Changing the Device Language,
page 11)
Changing the Satellite Setting
For increased performance in challenging environments and
faster GPS position location, you can enable GPS+GLONASS.
Using the GPS+GLONASS setting reduces battery life more
quickly than using only GPS.
Select > Settings > System > GPS Mode.
Select an option.
Changing the Accent Color
You can change the accent color on the device.
Select > Settings > System > Color.
Select an accent color.
Display Settings
Select > Settings > System > Display.
Brightness: Sets the backlight brightness.
Backlight Timeout: Sets the length of time before the backlight
turns off.
Color Mode: Sets the device to display day or night colors. You
can select the Auto option to allow the device to set day or
night colors automatically based on the time of day.
Screen Capture: Allows you to save the image of the device
Data Recording Settings
Select > Settings > System > Data Recording.
Recording Interval: Controls how the device records activity
data. The Smart option records key points where you change
direction, speed, or heart rate. The 1 Sec option records
10 Customizing Your Device

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Andere handleiding(en) van Garmin Edge Explore 820

Garmin Edge Explore 820 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 22 pagina's

Garmin Edge Explore 820 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 22 pagina's

Garmin Edge Explore 820 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 22 pagina's

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