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Preparing yoghourt
Even yoghurt can be prepared in the combi-steam
Heat pasteurised milk to 90 °C on the hob to
prevent the yoghurt cultures from being overcome
by any unwanted microbes. Ultra-heat treated milk
(UHT milk) does not need to be heated. (Please
note: If you use cold milk to make yoghurt, the
incubation time will be longer).
Important! Allow the milk to cool to 40 °C in a water
bath so that the yoghurt cultures are not destroyed.
Stir some natural yoghurt with identified yoghurt
cultures under the milk (1 - 2 teaspoons of yoghurt
per 100 ml).
When using yoghurt starter, follow the instructions
on the packet.
Pour the yoghurt into washed jars.
You can sterilise the washed jars in your combi-
steam oven at 100 °C and 100% humidity for 20 -
25 min before pouring in the yoghurt.Make sure that
you allow the jars and the cooking compartment to
cool down before you pour in the yoghurt and place
the jars in the appliance.
Once you have finished making the yoghurt, place it
in the refrigerator.
To make thick yoghurt, add skimmed milk powder to
the milk before heating it (1 - 2 tablespoons per
Preparing bulky food
To prepare bulky food items, you can remove the
side slide-in racks.
To do this, undo the knurled nuts at the front of the
slide-in racks, and pull the slide-in racks out
towards you.
Place the rack directly onto the bottom of the
cooking compartment and place the food or
roasting dish onto the rack. Do not place the food
or roasting dish directly onto the bottom of the
cooking compartment.
Acrylamide in foodstuffs
Which foods are affected?
Acrylamide is mainly produced in grain and potato
products that are heated to high temperatures, such as
crisps, chips, toast, bread rolls, bread, fine baked goods
(biscuits, gingerbread, cookies).
Food Cooking container Tempera-
ture in °C
ity in %
time in
Yoghurt mixture
(in sealed jars)
solid 40 - 45 100 300 - 360 Recipe tip: Flavour the yoghurt mixture
with fruit purée, jam, honey, vanilla or
chocolate, and then increase the
preparation time if necessary.
Tips for keeping acrylamide to a minimum when preparing
General Keep cooking times as short as possible.
Cook food until it is golden brown, but not
too dark. Large, thick pieces of food con-
tain less acrylamide.
Baking With hot air at max. 180 °C.
Biscuits Egg or egg yolk reduces the production of
acrylamide. Spread out a single layer
evenly on the baking tray.
Cook at least 400 g at once on a baking
tray so that the chips do not dry out.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Gaggenau BS484610

Gaggenau BS484610 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 48 pagina's

Gaggenau BS484610 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 48 pagina's

Gaggenau BS484610 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 60 pagina's

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