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The Fysic FB-100 blood pressure moni-
tor is developed to easily and precisely
measure your blood pressure.
By regularly checking your blood pres-
sure at home, you can provide your doc-
tor with valuable information about your
actual everyday blood pressure.
This product meets the requirements of
EC Directive 93/42/EEC
(Medical Equipment Directive).
The declaration of conformity is avail-
able on the website WWW.Fysic.NL
Do not simply throw away empty
or exhausted batteries, always
hand them over to your local
depot for Small Chemical Waste.
Power adaptor:
The back of this blood pressure monitor
is equipped with a connection for a power
adaptor with the following specifications:
input: 230V AC 50Hz
Output 6V DC 600mA
(attention: the outside is the + !!)
A power adaptor is not included.
Connection to the blood
pressure monitor:
Connect the cuff to the
blood pressure monitor
according to the picture
Attachment to the arm:
1. Lay down the cuff in front
of you as follows:
2. Remove the clothing or roll up the
sleeve to expose the left arm and
slide the cuff up around
the left arm until approx. 2
or 3 cm above the elbow.
The flexible tube should
come out of the cuff at the
inside of the elbow joint.
3. Wrap the cuff around the
arm and attach it to the
Velcro tape (don’t over
Guidelines for accurate measure-
Always take measurements at the
same time of the day (preferably in
the morning) and under the same
Never take measurements within half
an hour after drinking coffee or tea or
after smoking a cigar or cigarette.
Relax and sit down during measure-
ments, don’t speak or move. You
should relax your arm and put it in
front of you with the cuff at the height
of your heart.
Wait approx. 3 minutes before taking
the next measurement.
Blood circulation should
not be impeded, tight
clothing and other objects
should be removed.
Taking a measurement:
Attention: you can interrupt the measure-
ment at any moment by pressing the 0/I
button. The FB-100 will then switch itself
off instantly and the cuff will deflate.
1. Press the 0/I button to turn on the
2. The built-in pump will start to pressur-
ize the cuff. It’s possible for the pump
to start again once or twice to build
up some more pressure.
3. As soon as the desired pressure is
reached, the pump will stop while the
cuff gradually deflates;
while deflating, the blood pressure
and heart rate are measured
when the measurement is finished,
the display
will show
the blood
(both the systolic and diastolic
blood pressure) and the heart rate
while the cuff will fully deflate
the measured blood pressure and
heart rate are automatically stored
in the memory
4. The FB-100 will switch itself off auto-
matically after 3 minutes of you can
turn off the FB-100 quicker by press-
ing the 0/I button.
Each measurement is automatically
stored in the memory. The memory has
a capacity for 90 measurements. When
the memory is full, each new measure-
ment will erase the oldest stored mea-
Checking the memory:
Press the M. button to display the
average of the last 3 measurements.
Press the M. button again, ‘01’ will
appear followed by the results of the
last measurement.
Press the M. button again, ‘02’ will
appear followed by the results of the
second-to-last measurement.
Repeat this for all previous measure-
Erasing the memory:
Make sure to turn on the
Press and hold the M button
for approx. 5 seconds until
‘CLr appears in the display. All mea-
surements stored in the memory will
now be deleted.
This product is intended only for
household use and for use by adults.
Keep the product and batteries out of
reach of children.
People suffering from cardiac
arrhythmia, vascular constriction,
arteriosclerosis (hardening of the
arteries) in the upper or lower limbs,
diabetes and heart patients with
pacemakers should consult their
doctor before measuring their blood
pressure, because in these cases
deviating blood pressure values
could be measured.
If you’re undergoing medical treat-
ment or if you’re using medicine, we
recommend you to always consult
your doctor when in doubt.
The use of this blood pressure
monitor should not be regarded as a
replacement for consulting your doc-
Depending on the person and situation,
a normal blood pressure is:
lower value (DIA): < 90
upper value (SYS): < 140
In case of ‘light hypertension’, the blood
pressure is:
lower value (DIA): 90-110
upper value (SYS): 140-180
In case of ‘serious hypertension’, the
blood pressure is:
lower value (DIA): >110
upper value (SYS): >180
During the entire day, our blood pres-
sure is continuously undergoing chang-
es. In the morning it rises heavily and
at the end of the morning it goes down
again. In the late afternoon our blood
pressure rises yet again, while it settles
on a low level at night. This is why your
measurements can vary when taken at
different times of the day.
1. Remove the battery compartment
cover at the bottom of the blood pres-
sure monitor.
2. Insert 4 AA 1.5V batteries according
to the correct polarity (see markings
inside the battery compartment).
Due to insufficient voltage, never
install rechargeable batteries.
3. Place the battery compartment cover
back onto the blood pressure monitor.
Batteries are not included
Change the batteries as soon as the
appears in the display of
when pressing the 0/I button has no
effect. Always replace all batteries at
We recommend you to remove the bat-
teries from the blood pressure monitor
when not using the FB-100 for a long
period of time (>2 months).
Systolic pressure
Diastolic pressure
Heart rate

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Andere handleiding(en) van Fysic FB-100

Fysic FB-100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Fysic FB-100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Fysic FB-100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

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