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OSR Fujitsu DL2400 Dot Matrix Printer
Print Method: 24-wire pin head impact dot matrix
Print Speed DQ @ 216 cps @ 12 cpi
LQ @ 72 cps @ 12 cpi
Graphics @ 6 inches per second @ 180 dpi
Fonts Courier 10
Prestige Elite
Paper Load Friction Feed Platen
Pin Feed Paper
Optional Cut Sheet Feed Paper
Ribbon Black cassette with up to 15 million character capability
Four colored transparency film ribbon with 2.5 million
character capability
Color ribbon for transparency has 3.6 million character
Interface Centronics type parallel
Centronics type parallel plus RS-232C
RS232-C Interface
Buffer Size 8K bytes (standard)
Control Panel
RESET: Resets printer when printer is offline or in a PAUSE mode.
SELECT/(RESET): Toggles printer between selections when in SET-UP mode.
ALT/(RESET): Alternates between functions. Press this button with one of the
following: SETUP, LOAD or MICRO LF.
ONLINE: Toggles printer between online and offline mode. If pressed when unit
is "ON-LINE: BUSY" allows the printer to pause until button is pressed again.
FF (Form Feed): Advances paper to top of next form.
LF (Line Feed): Advances one line at a time. Continuous holding of this button
advances paper to top of next form.
SETUP/(ONLINE): Puts printer in SET-UP mode when pressed simultaneously
with ALT/(RESET) button.
LOAD/(FF): Allows paper to load in printer when pressed simultaneously with
ALT/(RESET) button. Paper will automatically stop at the top of form. To unload
continuous form feed sheets select this button with ALT/(RESET) button.
MICRO LF/(LF): Displays "MICRO LF MODE" when pressed simultaneously
with ALT/(RESET) button. Use the FF (page down) or LF (page up) buttons to
move paper in 1/180 inch increments.
EXIT/(ONLINE): Exits SET-UP mode and returns to "ON-LINE READY" status.
FUNCTION/(FF): Toggles from item to item (within an item field) or stops and
starts an operation.
ITEM/(LF): Toggles from item to item (within an item field) or stops and starts an
SELECT/(RESET): Toggles from option to option (within optional fields) or
starts and stops an operation.
1. When unit is turned on ensure unit is displaying "ON LINE and READY" in the
control panel window.
2. Ensure bail lever is closed.
3. Press the ON LINE and RESET buttons simultaneously until control panel
window diplays FUNCTN:STYLE.
4. Press the FF button four times until control panel window displays
5. Press the RESET button to begin the self-test.
6. The control panel window will then display SELF TEST PRINT.
Hex Dump Test
1. Press the SELECT button until FUNCTN:HEX DUMP appears in the control
panel window which will then display HEX DUMP:READY.
2. Start up the host system. The control panel window will display HEX
DUMP:BUSY and the printer will print a hexadecimal dump listing.
3. To stop printing, press either the SELECT or ITEM button and the display will
reflect "PAUSE" and can be re-started by depressing either button.
4. Stop the host system when necessary data has printed out.
5. Press the FUNCTION button to return printer to optional SET-UP modes.
Cover Removal
1. Remove cut sheet feeder (if mounted):
a. Disconnect cut sheet feeder cable.
b. Remove output stacker (if applicable).
c. Remove front cover.
d. Remove acoustic cover.
e. Move printhead all the way to left position.
f. Carefully lift and remove cut sheet feeder.
2. Remove platen knobs by carefully pulling each knob out toward you.
3. Remove acoustic cover (if stacker was attached acoustic cover will already be
removed) and front cover:
a. Turn acoustic cover until it is positioned at a right angle.
b. Carefully push right tabs towards the center, bending it just enough to
release stud from hole. Follow same procedure with left tab and care-
fully remove acoustic cover.
c. Pull front cover toward you at a 30 degree angle off the unit.
d. Pull cover straight up towards you.
4. Remove cut sheet guide, top cover and rear cover:
a. Pull sheet guide straight out of unit in a upward motion.
b. Unlock catches from the rear cover by pulling front edge of top cover
towards you.
c. Unlock two hooks at rear of top cover and remove.
d. Lift the rear cover up at a 30 degree angle from unit.
e. Remove cover by pulling straight up toward you.
5. Remove operator panel:
a. Release the hooks from these slots by carefully pushing the two tabs.
b. Remove operator panel assembly by pushing it upward toward you.
c. Unplug cable from operator panel.
6. Remove upper cover:
a. Remove ribbon cassette
b. Paper release lever should be positioned in continuous paper mode.
c. Set bail lever in the open position (lever should be pulled toward you).
d. Locate and loosen two mounting screws at the rear of upper cover.
e. Lift rear part of the upper cover approximately 1 to 2 inches at 20
degree angle.
f. Position upper cover where you can release studs from slots on bottom
g. Remove upper cover by lifting upward.
96-03-29 Copyright IBM Corporation 1996.
All rights reserved. FJ-8 1

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