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2 Software Installation
Shortcut icon for Windows OS
Shortcut icon for Mac OS
1. Insert the CD into the CD drive of your computer.
Go to the folder “IP Camera Search Tool” and find the folder “For
Windows OS”or “For Mac OS”. Copy and paste the IP camera tool file
to your computer, or drag it onto your desktop.
3 Access the Camera
After installing the add-on, refresh the browser and click
Main stream offers the highest
quality video while Sub stream
offers less quality, but also less
delay when viewing.
Default user is admin with no
Main stream offers the highest
quality video while Sub stream
offers less quality, but also less
delay when viewing.
Default user is admin with no
1 Hardware Introduction
Package Contents
Quick Installation Guide
Resource CD
Ethernet Cable
Power Adapter
IP Camera
Warranty Card
Physical Description
Quick Installation Guide
For Windows & Mac OS
HD IP Camera
Quick Installation Guide
For Windows & Mac OS
HD IP Camera
1. Loosen the three screws on the base of the camera, remove
the camera base.
2. According to the monitored area, install the base of the camera
on the ceiling or wall with expansion screws.
3. Assembly the sphere, cover and decorative ring of the order,
according to the monitored area to turn the angle of the sphere.
Finally, fix the decorative ring and the base with screws. (For
FI9851P, you need to manually rotate clockwise to lock the
Decorative ring
Ceiling or wall
Hardware Installation
Click Install
1. Enable the DHCP feature of your router (Enabled by default
normally), then open the IP Camera Tool program. It should
display the cameras IP address in your LAN (Local Area Network).
2. Double click the camera list here, and your default browser will
open up to the cameras login page. When logging in for the first
time, you will need to download and install the add-on. Take
Microsoft Internet Explorer as an example. For Google Chrome,
Apple Safari, or Mozilla Firefox, please refer to the User Manual.
If your computer ( Windows OS ) supports autorun function,
you can find the corresponding file in the opened control panel.
f your computer doesn’t have CD drive, you can download
the IP camera tool from our website for free.
Array LED
Reset Button
After logging in for the first time, it will go to "Setup
Wizard” automatically. Please set the basic parameters, such
as camera name, camera time, wireless settings and so on.
If you forget your username or password, you can press
and hold the reset button on the bottom of the camera using
a pin for 5 seconds. This resets the camera to factory defaults.
If you want to access your camera over wireless or the
Internet, please continue with the setup by following the
Wireless and Remote Access steps below.
4. When you login for the first time, it will request that you modify
the default username and/or passwordInput the New username,
New password, and Confirm the password, click Modify to
complete the modification. You will now use the new username
and password to login to the camera in the future.
Doesn't support 64-bit browser.
Input the New username,
New password and
Confirm the password.
Input the New username,
New password and
Confirm the password.
Hardware Connection
1. Connect the camera to the LAN network (Router or
Switch) via network cable.
2. Connect the power adapter to the camera.
After logging in, you should see live video on the interface.
ShenZhen Foscam Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

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Andere handleiding(en) van Foscam FI 9851P

Foscam FI 9851P Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

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