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*if equipped *if equipped
Front Seat Adjusters
Li the controls to adjust your seat position.
Recline Adjustment
Pull the control to adjust the angle
of the seatback.
Height Adjustment
Li the control to adjust the seat
cushion height.
Folding Rear Seatback with Adjustable
Head Restraints
You can fold down the rear seatbacks for
more cargo space. To do this, make sure the
adjustable rear head restraints are in the lowest
position. Press and hold the release button
on the seatback and fold the seatback down.
When raising the seatback(s), make sure you hear the seat latch
into place. Pull down on the seatback to make sure it has latched.
Automatic Climate Control*
Automatically control the temperature, fan speed
and airflow direction to reach and maintain your
selected temperature. Press the AUTO button
to switch the automatic system on and o.
Press OFF to switch o the climate system.
Tilting Head Restraints*
Pivot the head restraint forward to
your desired position. Aer it reaches
the forward-most tilt position, pivot
it forward again to return it to the
upright position.
Note: Do not force the head restraint backward aer it is tilted.
Instead, continue tilting it forward until the head restraint releases
to the upright position.
Ambient Lighting
Lights the interior with a choice of
several colors. The ambient lighting
control is in the center stack, under
the climate controls. Press and
release the
button to cycle
through your color choices.
Ambient lighting turns on when the
ignition and headlamps are on.
PowerShi Automatic Transmission*
We designed this transmission for
fun-to-drive performance and exceptional
fuel eciency, by using the advantages
of a manual transmission with the
convenience of an automatic transmission.
You may notice the following
characteristics of this technology:
Mechanical noises aer switching the
engine o, opening the driver door
and during some transmission shiing
events. These are normal and do not cause damage.
Firm gearshis when moving the accelerator pedal back
and forth quickly.
Your transmission continuously makes electronic adjustments
to optimize shi quality and acceleration performance. It makes
most of the adjustments during the first 1,000 miles (1610
kilometers) of operation. During this break-in period, you may
feel slight vibrations when accelerating your vehicle from low
speeds. See the Transmission chapter of your Owner's Manual
for details.
SelectShi Automatic Transmission*
This transmission gives you the ability to
manually change gears if you’d like.
To Use
Move the gearshi lever from drive (D)
to sport (S).
Activate SelectShi by using the thumb
toggle located on the side of your
gearshi lever to make manual shis.
Press the (+) button to upshi. Press
the () button to downshi.
Hill Start Assist*
The system makes it easier to pull away when you park your
vehicle on a slope without using the parking brake. When active,
this feature allows your vehicle to remain stationary on a slope
for up to two to three seconds aer you release the brake
pedal. This short period gives you time to move your foot to the
accelerator and pull away. This feature activates automatically
if the sensors detect that the vehicle is on a slope.

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  • Mijn navigatiesysteem heeft geen geluid.Ook mijn garage weet hier geen antwoord op. Hoe krijg ik geluid uit mijn navigatiesysteem Gesteld op 4-3-2022 om 16:38

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  • Ik Heb en ford fiesta uit 2015 gekocht. Klopt het dat de tankdop niet op slot kan?
    Jeannette Gesteld op 1-7-2020 om 10:12

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Ja dat klopt, toch is de pijp waar de benzine door gaat beveiligd. Ook als er suiker in gegooid zou worden ken het geen kwaad. Geantwoord op 8-6-2021 om 14:58

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford Fiesta 2015

Ford Fiesta 2015 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 18 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 340 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2015 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 423 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 470 pagina's

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