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Tire Pressure Monitoring System
Reset Procedure
You must carry out the system reset
procedure after each tire replacement or
adjustment of the tire pressures.
Carrying Out the System Reset
1. Check the tire pressures and inflate all
the tires to the correct pressure.
2. Use the information display controls on
the steering wheel or instrument panel.
To reset the tire pressure monitoring system, scroll to:
Description and ActionMessage
Press the OK button.Settings
Press the OK button.Driver assist
Press and hold the OK button until confirmation appears.
Alternatively, if your vehicle has a tire pressure monitoring
system reset button, press and hold the button until confirm-
ation appears.
Tire Monitor
Pairing Your Cell Phone for the First
The first thing you must do to use the phone
features of SYNC is to pair your
Bluetooth-enabled cell phone with SYNC.
This allows you to use your cell phone in a
hands-free manner.
Touch the upper left corner of the touchscreen:
Action and DescriptionMenu Item
Pair phone
Follow the on-screen instructions.Find SYNC
Make sure that Bluetooth is set to On and that your cell phone
is in the correct mode. See your cell phones manual if neces-
Select SYNC and a six-digit PIN appears on your device.
If you are prompted to enter a PIN on your device, it does not
support Secure Simple Pairing. To pair, enter the PIN displayed
on the touchscreen. Skip the next step.
When prompted on your cell phones display, confirm that the
PIN provided by SYNC matches the PIN displayed on your cell
The display indicates when the pairing is successful.
SYNC may prompt you with more cell phone options. For more
information on your cell phone's capability, see your cell
phone's manual and visit the website.
C-MAX (CEU) Vehicles Built From: 16-03-2015 Vehicles Built Up To: 19-07-2015, CG3643en enGBR, Edition date: 02/2015, First Printing

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford C-Max 2015

Ford C-Max 2015 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 356 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 492 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 19 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 444 pagina's

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