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Setting the Front Wipers in the
Service Position
1. Make sure that the outside of the
windshield is free from snow and ice.
2. Switch on the ignition.
3. Switch off the ignition and within three
seconds, pull the wiper lever to toward
you. Hold the lever in until wipers have
moved to the service position.
4. Release the lever when the wipers have
moved to the service position.
As a driver assistance feature, your vehicle
has a tire pressure monitoring system. A
warning lamp will illuminate when one or
more of the tires are significantly
under-inflated. If the low tire pressure
warning lamp illuminates, you should stop
your vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so,
check the tires and inflate them to the
correct pressure.
Driving on under-inflated tires can:
Cause them to overheat.
Lead to tire failure.
Reduce fuel efficiency.
Reduce tire life.
Affect vehicle handling or stopping
The system is not a substitute for correct
tire maintenance.
You must maintain the correct tire
pressures, even if low tire pressure has not
illuminated the warning lamp.
Understanding the Tire Pressure
Monitoring System
The system measures the pressure in the
four road tires and sends the tire pressure
readings to your vehicle.
The system detects this lower pressure as
being significantly below the correct
inflation pressure and the warning lamp
illuminates. You must inflate the tires to
the correct pressure.
If the Warning Lamp is On:
1. Check each tire to verify that none are
2. If one or more tires are flat, repair as
3. Check the tire pressures and inflate all
the tires to the correct pressure.
4. Carry out the tire pressure monitoring
system reset procedure.
C-MAX (CEU) Vehicles Built From: 16-03-2015 Vehicles Built Up To: 19-07-2015, CG3643en enGBR, Edition date: 02/2015, First Printing

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford C-Max 2015

Ford C-Max 2015 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 356 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 492 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 19 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 444 pagina's

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