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Passive locking and unlocking requires a
valid passive key to be located within one
of the three external detection ranges.
These are located approximately five feet
(1.5 meters) from the front door handles
and the liftgate.
Note: The system may not function if the
passive key is close to metal objects or
electronic devices, for example keys or a cell
Passive Key
Your vehicle can be locked and unlocked
using the passive key. You can also use the
passive key as a remote control to lock and
unlock your vehicle. See Locking and
Unlocking (page 38).
Locking Your Vehicle
Note: Your vehicle does not automatically
lock. If you do not touch a locking sensor
your vehicle will remain unlocked.
Locking buttons are located on each of the
front doors.
For central locking and to arm the alarm,
press a locking button once.
For double locking and to arm the alarm,
press a locking button twice within three
Note: When locking your vehicle, do not
grip the door handle.
Note: Keep the door handle surface clean
to make sure the system operates correctly.
Note: Your vehicle will remain locked for
approximately one second. When the delay
period is over, you can open the doors again,
provided the passive key is within the
respective detection range.
Two short flashes of the direction
indicators confirms that all the doors and
the liftgate have been locked and that the
alarm has been armed.
The liftgate cannot be closed and will
reopen if the passive key is located inside
the luggage compartment with the doors
Note: If a second valid passive key is
located within the liftgate detection range,
the liftgate can be closed.
C-MAX (CEU) Vehicles Built From: 16-03-2015 Vehicles Built Up To: 19-07-2015, CG3642en enGBR, Edition date: 02/2015, First Printing

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford C-Max 2015

Ford C-Max 2015 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 356 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 492 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 19 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Snelstart handleiding - English - 17 pagina's

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