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2. Stop the liftgate movement by pressing
the control button on the liftgate when
it reaches the desired height.
Note: Once the liftgate has stopped
moving, you can also manually move it to
the desired height.
3. Press and hold the liftgate control
button on the liftgate until you hear a
chime, indicating programming is
Note: You can only use the liftgate control
button to program the height.
Note: You cannot program the height if the
liftgate position is too low.
The new open liftgate height is recalled
when the power liftgate is opened. To
change the programmed height, repeat the
above procedure. Once you open the
power liftgate, you can manually move it
to a different height.
Note: The system recalls the new
programmed height until you reprogram it,
even if you disconnect the battery.
When operating the power liftgate after
you have programmed a lower height than
full-open, you can fully open the liftgate
by manually pushing it upward to the
maximum open position.
Obstacle Detection
When Closing
The system stops when it detects an
obstacle. Two short tones sound and the
system reverses to open. Once you remove
the obstacle, you can power close the
Note: Entering your vehicle while the
liftgate is closing can cause your vehicle to
bounce and activate obstacle detection. To
prevent this, let the power liftgate close
completely before you enter your vehicle.
Before driving off, check the instrument
cluster for a liftgate or door ajar message or
warning indicator. Failure to do this could
result in unintentionally leaving the liftgate
open while driving.
When Opening
The system stops when it detects an
obstacle and two short tones sound. Once
you remove the obstacle, you can continue
to operate the liftgate.
It is extremely dangerous to ride in a
cargo area, inside or outside of a
vehicle. In a crash, people riding in
these areas are more likely to be seriously
injured or killed. Do not allow people to ride
in any area of your vehicle that is not
equipped with seats and safety belts. Make
sure everyone in your vehicle is in a seat
and properly using a safety belt. Failure to
follow this warning could result in serious
personal injury or death.
Make sure to close and latch the
liftgate to prevent drawing exhaust
fumes into your vehicle. This will also
prevent passengers and cargo from falling
out. If you must drive with the liftgate open,
keep the vents or windows open so outside
air comes into your vehicle. Failure to
follow this warning could result in serious
personal injury.
Keep keys out of reach of children.
Do not allow children to play near an
open or moving power liftgate.
C-MAX (CEU) Vehicles Built From: 16-03-2015 Vehicles Built Up To: 19-07-2015, CG3642en enGBR, Edition date: 02/2015, First Printing

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford C-Max 2015

Ford C-Max 2015 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 356 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 492 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 19 pagina's

Ford C-Max 2015 Snelstart handleiding - English - 17 pagina's

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