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Note: If traffic announcement is on and you
select a preset or manual tune to a non
traffic announcement station no traffic
announcement will be heard.
Note: When you are listening to a non
traffic announcement station and turn
traffic announcement off and on again a TP
seek will occur.
Traffic Announcement Volume
Traffic announcements interrupt normal
broadcasts at a preset minimum level that
is usually louder than normal listening
To adjust the preset volume:
Use the volume control to make the
necessary adjustment during an
incoming traffic announcement
broadcast. The display will show the
level selected.
Ending Traffic Announcements
The audio unit will return to normal
operation at the end of each traffic
announcement. To end the announcement
prematurely, press TA or TRAFFIC during
the announcement.
Note: If you press TA or TRAFFIC at any
other time it will switch all announcements
Automatic Volume Control
When available, automatic volume control
adjusts the volume level to compensate
for engine noise and road speed noise.
1. Press the MENU button.
4. Use the left or right arrow button to
adjust the setting.
5. Press the OK button to confirm your
6. Press the MENU button to return.
Digital Signal Processing
Digital Signal Processing Occupancy
This feature takes into account the
differences in distance from the various
speakers in your vehicle to each seat. You
must select the correct sitting position for
the audio to be correctly set.
Digital Signal Processing Equalizer
Select the music category that most suits
your listening preference. The audio output
will change to enhance the particular style
of music chosen.
Changing the Digital Signal Processing
1. Press the MENU button.
3. Scroll to the required digital signal
processing function.
4. Press the OK button.
5. Use the up and down arrow buttons to
select the required setting.
6. Press the OK button to confirm your
7. Press the MENU button to return.
News Broadcasts
Your audio unit may interrupt normal
reception to broadcast news bulletins from
stations on the FM waveband, radio data
system or other enhanced network linked
The display will indicate there is an
incoming announcement, during news
broadcasts. When the audio unit interrupts
for a news broadcast the preset volume
level will be the same as traffic
1. Press the MENU button.
B-MAX (CB2) Vehicles Built From: 25-06-2012, Vehicles Built Up To: 31-12-2013
Audio System

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 314 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 326 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - English - 17 pagina's

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