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Seek Tuning
Select a waveband and briefly press one
of the seek buttons. The unit will stop at
the first station it finds in the direction you
have chosen.
Manual Tuning
1. Press function button 2.
2. Use the left and right arrow buttons to
tune down or up the waveband in small
increments or press and hold to
increment quickly, until you find a
station you want to listen to.
3. Press OK to continue listening to a
Scan Tuning
Scan allows you to listen to a few seconds
of each station detected.
1. Press function button 3.
2. Use the seek buttons to scan up or
down the selected waveband.
3. Press function button 3 again or OK to
continue listening to a station.
Station Preset Buttons
This feature allows you to store your
favorite stations, they can be recalled by
selecting the appropriate waveband and
pressing one of the preset buttons.
1. Select a waveband.
2. Tune to the station required.
3. Press and hold one of the preset
buttons. A progress bar and message
will appear. When the progress bar
completes the station has been stored.
The audio unit will also mute
momentarily as confirmation.
You can repeat this on each waveband and
for each preset button.
Note: When you drive to another part of the
country, stations that broadcast on
alternative frequencies, and are stored on
preset buttons, may be updated with the
correct frequency and station name for that
Autostore Control
Note: This will store up to a maximum of
the 10 strongest signals available, either
from the AM or the FM waveband, and
overwrite the previously stored stations. You
can also store stations manually in the same
way as other wavebands.
Note: You must select either FM AST or
AM AST to use this function.
Press and hold the RADIO button.
When the search is complete, sound is
restored and the strongest signals are
stored on the autostore presets.
Traffic Information Control
Many stations that broadcast on the FM
waveband have a TP code to signify that
they carry traffic program information.
Turning Traffic Announcements On and
Before you can receive traffic
announcements, you must press either the
TA or TRAFFIC button. A TA display will
appear to show the feature is switched on.
If you are already tuned to a station that
broadcasts traffic information, TP will also
be displayed. Otherwise the unit will search
for a traffic program.
When traffic information is broadcast, it
will automatically interrupt normal radio
or CD playback and Traffic announcement
will appear in the display.
If a non-traffic station is selected or
recalled using a preset button, the audio
unit will remain on that station unless TA
or TRAFFIC is turned off, then on again.
B-MAX (CB2) Vehicles Built From: 25-06-2012, Vehicles Built Up To: 31-12-2013
Audio System

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 314 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 326 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - English - 17 pagina's

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