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4.4 Tool holding fixture in the drill spindle
Bits can be fitted directly in the hexagon socket
holder of the drill spindle (2.11) to make the
machine lighter and shorter.
5 Accessories, tools
The accessory and tool order number can be
found in the Festool catalogue or on the
Internet under www.festool.com.
Bit depot
Attachments which are used on a regular basis,
as for example the chuck key (5.2), bit
extender (5.3) or different bits (5.5), can be
clipped onto the bit depot compartment (5.1).
The bit depot can be snapped into the bottom
of the drill/screwdriver with its mounting lugs
When the mounting lugs are inserted into the
corresponding holes (5.4) and the magazine
is slid sideways the contour of the case aligns
with the contour of the magazine.
The spring loaded catch of the bit magazine
can loosen on impact of drill/screwdriver.
6 Wall mounting EC 60/ECU 45
The charger EC 60/ECU 45 has two longitudi-
nal slots on its rear by which it can be
suspended on walls using two screws (e.g.
button-headed or flat head screw with a shaft
diameter of 5 mm).
Screw the screws into the wall so that their
heads protrude approx. 4 mm.
7 lnstructions on application -
maintenance - care
Important: please pay attention to the
following instructions. Otherwise there is a risk
of damage to the tool, charger or battery pack.
Keep the air vents of the electronic equipment
and the charger clean to guarantee the air
circulation for cooling.
Keep the connection contacts of electronic
equipment, charger and battery pack clean.
Festool chargers and Festool battery packs
are designed for each other. Therefore, only
use Festool chargers to charge Festool
battery packs.
By keeping the battery pack in a ready for
use charger, the battery pack will be kept in
a state of readiness by float charging
Do not keep discharged battery pack
(maximum one month) attached to charger
whenever charger is detached from the
power supply (danger of deep discharging).
Whenever two battery packs are inserted into
the quick charger MCU 15 they will be
charged in the order of insertion.
A new battery pack or a battery pack not
used for a longer period of time reaches it
full capacity after about 5 charging and dis-
charging cycles.
Battery packs should, before charging, be
fully discharged if possible. Continuous
starting of the charging process shortens the
lifespan of the batteries.
 A considerably reduced time of operation per
charging shows that the battery pack is used
up an should be replaced by a new one.
Store battery packs at ambient temperatures
between 0°C and 35°C.
All maintenance and repair work, requiring
dismantling of equipment, may only be
performed by an authorised after-sales
service workshop.
Special instructions for NiMH battery
Only charge NiMH battery packs in the
ECU 45, MCU 15 charger.
The output of NiMH battery packs drops
noticeably at ambient temperatures below
0°C or above 45°C.
Do not overload the tool (do not load the
tool excessively so that it comes to a
Re-charge NiMH battery packs after 12
months even if they have not been used.
NiMH battery packs should be left for 60 min.
in the charger after every 10
fast charge to
compensate any differences in capacity
between the cells.
8 Recycling battery packs
Never throw spent battery packs into
domestic waste containers!
Return spent or defective battery packs to
dealers, the Festool after-sales service depart-
ment or approved waste disposal facilities. This
ensures that they are correctly recycled.
9 Warranty
Our equipment is under warranty for at least
12 months with regard to material or
production faults in accordance with national
legislation. In the EU countries, the warranty
period is 24 months (an invoice or delivery
note is required as proof of purchase).
Damage resulting from, in particular, normal
wear and tear, overloading, improper handling,
or caused by the user or other damage caused
by not following the operating instructions, or
any fault acknowledged at the time of
purchase, is not covered by the warranty.
Complaints will only be acknowledged if the
equipment has not been dismantled before
being sent back to the suppliers or to an
authorised Festool customer support
workshop. Store the operating instructions,
safety notes, spare parts list and proof of
purchase in a safe place. In addition, the
manufacturers current warranty conditions
Note: We reserve the right to make changes
to the technical data contained in this
information as a result of ongoing research and
development work.

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