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2 Preparation for initial operation
2.1 Remove battery pack from unit
The battery pack (1.2) is unlocked and can be
removed by pressing the switch (1.1)
2.2 Charge battery pack
a) EC 60
The charger EC 60 (Fig. 4) can be used to
charge all NiCd-Festool battery packs between
7.2 V and 14.4 V.
Warning: Do not use the EC 60 charger to
charge NiMH battery packs as this will reduce
their service life.
The battery pack charging is monitored by
means of an NTC thermistor integrated in the
battery pack and a voltage measurement.
If the battery pack temperature is between
+ 5 and + 43 °C a quick charge starts
Once the battery pack has been charged the
conservation charge starts automatically.
The LED (4.3) indicates the respective charging
state of the charger.
LED green - flashing = battery pack is being charged.
LED green - steady =
a) Device ready for use, though no battery
pack inserted.
b) Battery pack is fully charged, compensation
c) Battery temperature beyond permissible
limits. Charge continued automatically
when permis-sible temperature is reached.
If battery pack too warm, only a new start
of the charging process.
b) MCU 15
The charger MCU 15 (Fig. 3) can be used to
charge all Festool battery packs between 4.8 V
and 14.4 V in the battery chamber (3.1).
The battery type used (NiCd or NiMH) is
detected automatically.
Charging is controlled by a microprocessor.
Warning: If a warm NiMH battery pack
(>37°C) is inserted, charging will only be carried
out at a lower charge current.
In this case the charging time for a battery
pack with 3.0 Ah is around 100 min..
The following NiCd-battery packs can also be
charged in the battery chamber (4.2):
Bosch 7.2 V Part No. 260 73 00001
7.2 V Part No. 260 73 35020
9.6 V Part No. 260 73 00002
12.0 V Part No. 260 73 00000
AEG 7.2 V Part No. 318 460
9.6 V Part No. 325 100
MAKITA 7.2 V Part No. 19 16 79-9
9.6 V Part No. 19 16 81-2
9.6 V Part No. 19 20 19-4
The optimum charging current is always used
depending on the temperature, voltage and
internal resistance.
The two LEDs (3.3) indicate the respective
charging operation of the charger.
The right LED is the display for charging
chamber (3.1), the left LED for charging
chamber (3.2).
LED yellow - steady
= Charger is ready for use.
LED green - flashing
= Battery pack being charged.
LED green - fast flashing
= Battery pack being charged at max. charging
LED green - steady
= Battery pack fully charged, conservation
charge on.
LED red - flashing
= General malfunction, e. g. incorrect polarity
of battery pack, full contact not being made,
short-circuit, battery pack faulty.
LED red - steady
= Temperature of battery pack is outside
permissible limit.
If the battery pack is removed from the charging
chamber during charging, charging can only be
continued after 1-2 seconds when the LED
shows a steady yellow.
By the influence of powerful electromagnetic
perturbations while charging it can be switched
over to conservation charge. Thereby the
charger can not take in a dangerous or unsafe
c) ECU 45
All NiCd and NiMH battery packs between 7.2 V
and 14.4 V voltage can be charged with the
ECU 45 charger (Fig. 4). The battery type used
(NiCd or NiMH) is detected automatically.
Charging is controlled by a microprocessor.
Warning: If a warm NiMH battery pack
(>37°C) is inserted, charging will only be carried
out at a lower charge current. In this case the
charging time for a battery pack with 3.0 Ah is
around 100 min.. The LED (4.3) shows the
charge status of the charger.
LED yellow - steady
= Charger is ready for use.
LED green - flashing
= Battery pack being charged.
LED green - fast flashing
= Battery pack being charged at max. charging
LED green - steady
= Battery pack fully charged, conservation
charge on.
LED red - flashing
= General malfunction, e. g. incorrect polarity
of battery pack, full contact not being made,
short-circuit, battery pack faulty.
LED red - steady
= Temperature of battery pack is outside
permissible limit.
d) Charging with the EC 60, MCU 15
and ECU 45
Connect charger to mains. Warning: The line
voltage and frequency must correspond with
the data on the ratings plate!

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