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23. Never use electrical machines in the presence of
inflammable fluids or gases.
24. Do not work with the machine if you are under the
influence of drugs,alcohol or medicines that could
limit your capability to react.
25. Dust from certain materials can be dangerous to
your health.The space in which the drill press is used
should therefore be well ventilated.Ensure effective
dust extraction from the work area.If at all possible,
make use of a dust extraction installation.
Do not connect your drill to the mains power,
before you have completely assembled and
installed the machine according to the instructions,and not
before you have read and understood the operator's guide.
This is for your own safety.
1. Your drill must be firmly mounted on a workbench.
In the event that the drill tends to shift during certain
work,the workbench must be anchored to the floor.
2. This drill may only be used in dry conditions,and only
3. Protect your eyes.Wear a face- or dust mask in
combination with safety glasses,if drilling causes
much dust.Wear ear protectors,especially when
working longer periods.
4. Wear no gloves,ties or loose clothing.
5. Do not drill any piece of work that is too small to be
held safely.
6. Always keep your hands out of the way of the drill.
Avoid positioning your hands in such a way or with
such a pressure that they could collide with the drill,
should they slip out of that position.
7. Do not use any drill bits that are longer than 175 mm,
or that extend further than 150_mm out of the
chuck.They could suddenly bend outwards or even
8. Do not use any rotary wire brushes,routers,or
rotary cutters in the drill press.
9. During drilling,large workpieces should be
supported safely and stably at the same height as the
10. Never work without support.Hold the workpiece
firmly against the table,to prevent it tilting or turning.
For unstable workpieces,make use of clamps or a vice.
11. Make certain that there are no nails or foreign
objects in the drilling zone of the workpiece.
12. Position or clamp the workpiece against the left-
hand side of the column,to avoid rotation.If the
workpiece is too short,or if the table is tilted,clamp
the workpiece immovably on the table,and use the
dog provided.
13. If the workpiece extends so far from the table that it
would fall or tilt when released,then it must be
clamped firmly to the table or supported to prevent
14. Work safely.Make all possible use of a clamp or vice
to hold the workpiece fast.That is safer than using
your hands,and leaves both hands free to operate
the machine.
15. If you make use of a vice,always bolt this to the table.
16. Be absolutely certain,that every bolt and screw is
tightened,before you commence drilling.
17. Lock the chuck,lock the table support to the
column,and lock the table to the table support,
before commencing drilling.
18. Never switch on the drill unless the table is
completely clean and clear (of tools,sawdust,etc.)
19. Before commencing drilling,switch the machine on
momentarily,to check that the tool does not wobble
or vibrate.
20. Delay drilling until the spindle has reached the preset
rotational speed (RPM).Immediately stop work,
switch off the machine and remove the power plug,
whenever you hear a strange sound or there is
excessive vibration.Only switch the machine on
again,once the fault has been corrected.
21. Wait until the chuck has completely stopped
rotating,before doing anything on or about the drill
22. Always observe the recommended speeds for the
accessories and relevant materials.Follow carefully
the directions for use of accessories.
23. When drilling holes with a large diameter,always
clamp the workpiece firmly to the table.Should you
fail to do this,the drill can grab the workpiece and
throw it from the table at great speed.Use no circle
cutter or multi-hole cutter,as they have been known
to fly apart or go out of balance during use.
24. Ensure that the spindle has come to a complete stop,
before you touch the workpiece.
25. Always switch the machine OFF and remove the plug
from the power socket,before you attach or remove
an accessory,expansion appliance,or tool;or change
the setup.This avoids potential injuries through
unintended switching on.
26. All safety attributes must be activated and in a good
27. Use exclusively the chuck key provided,with
automatic ejection.
The electric motor installed in the machine is
already connected “ready for use”.
Make use of an earthed connection,to avoid
damaging electrical equipment and tools,and to
prevent danger of fire.Your drill is designed to be used with
230 V.Only use the machine on a 230 V electrical supply.Use
a 15A delay fuse,or an isolating switch.To avoid shocks and
fire,damaged or worn cables should be immediately
The connection complies with the relevant VDE and
DIN directives.
Your power socket and the extension cable employed
must also comply with the same directives.
Damaged electrical connection leads
Electrical connection leads are frequently subject to
damage to the insulation.
This can be caused by:
Parts of the lead being jammed,by being passed
through windows and doorways.
Kinks from unprofessional fastening or laying of the
connection lead.
Breaking the insulation open by pulling on the lead to
remove it from the wall socket.
Splits through perishing of the insulation.
Electrical connection leads damaged in this way may not
be used,as the damage to the insulation makes them
Regularly check the electrical connection leads for
damage.Always be sure while checking,that the
electrical lead is not connected to the power supply.
Electrical connection leads must comply with the
relevant VDE and DIN directives.Therefore,always use
connection leads of type H 07 RN.The type should be
printed on the connection lead.
AC motor
The power supply must be 230 volt / 50 Hz.
Extension cables up to 25 m in length should have a
diameter of 1.5 mm
,and longer than 25 m,at least
2.5 mm
The mains connection is protected with a 16A inert
The drill may not be used outdoors.The machine
must be earthed,to protect the user against
potential electric shocks.
Use exclusively accessories that have been
manufactured for this drill,to avoid injuries from
parts or workpieces spinning off.
Do not work with any tools before you have read and
understood the directions for use.
Indicates tilt angle of the drill head.
Filler material
A piece of scrap wood that is placed between the
workpiece and the table.This helps prevent the lower
side of the workpiece from splintering when the bit
penetrates,and protects the table.
This supports the entire drill press.For extra stability,
there are holes in the bottom,through which the base
can be screwed firmly to the workbench (see section
“Extra safety guidelines for radial column drill presses.”)
Complete drive belt guard
Completely covers the pulleys and the drive belts,while
working with the drill press.
Belt tension
In section “Setup Directions”,read the paragraph “Belt
Belt tension knob
Turn the knob to tighten,to loosen or to adjust the belt
Holds the drill or other recommended tool firmly,to
perform the desired work.
Chuck key
By using the chuck key,the chuck can be tightened or
Connects the drill head assembly,table and base
together on a single tube,by means of which good
alignment and effortless motion is guaranteed.
Column head bracket
Connects the horizontal tube of the complete drill head
with the vertical column.
Column support
Gives support to the column,provides a bedding for the
vertical rack,and is fitted with fixing holes to anchor the
column to the base.
Depth scale
A pointer indicates the bit depth on the depth scale.
Depth scale locking knob
Locks the depth scale at the selected depth.
The cutting tool used in the radial column drill press to
drill holes in a workpiece.
On/off switch
To turn the machine on and off.
Drill speed
The drill speed is adjusted by manually shifting the drive
belt ob the grooves of the drive pulleys.See the rotation
speed table for the spindle on the inside surface of the
drive belt guard.
Drill feed
Feeds the chuck upwards and downwards.If necessary,
one or two grips can be removed,in the event that the
workpiece has such an irregular shape,that the drill grips
get in the way.
Is fixed to the table if necessary to align the workpiece,
or to perform fast repeated drilling.Can be removed.
Remove the dog,if this interferes with other drill tools.
Horizontal drill head
Moves the radial column drill over the horizontal tube to
drill large workpieces,or to move the drill between
holes without removing the workpiece.
Horizontal rack
Works in combination with the pinion mechanism to
move the drill head smoothly forwards and backwards.
Mill-cut groove
Groove on the horizontal tube for the vertical locking
button.Holds the drill head in perpendicular position.
Works in combination with the pinion mechanism to
allow the table to be smoothly raised and lowered using
the table crank.
Rotational speed
Number of revolutions per minute of a rotating object.
Rotation-locking clamp
Locks the drill head in the desired swing angle on the top
of the column.
Spindle housing locking screws
Lock the spindle housing on the horizontal tube of the
drill head.When working with the drill,the housing must
always be locked.
Spindle speed
Rotational speed (RPM) of the spindle.
Spring cover
Sets the tension in the return spring of the drill feed.
Switch key
Withdrawal of the key from the on/off switch secures
the drill press against children.
Ferm 556 Ferm
301270 BASE 001
301271 COLUMN BASE 002
301272 COLUMN 006
301273 RACK 007
301240 HANDLE 011
301274 STAND 012
301275 WORM + GEAR 013 + 014
301209 CLAMP HANDLE 015 / 022
301276 TABLE BRACKET 016
301277 COLUMN RING 017
301279 WORK TABLE 024
301241 TRACK BASE 025
301243 PRESS BLOCK 027
301244 GUIDE T R A C K 0 2 8
301245 TRAIL STAND 029
301246 BOARD FOR MOTOR 035
3 0 1 2 4 7 M OTO R 0 3 6
301248 HANDLE 046
301249 GEAR 047
301250 ANGLE BRAND 049
301251 RACK 052
301252 COVER 054
301253 MOTOR PULLEY 056
800209 V-BELT 9N*1560 066
806203 BALL BEARING 6203 ZZ 072
301257 HANDLE WITH KNOB 078 + 079
301258 HANDLE BASE 080
301259 GEAR AXIS 081
301260 DIAL 082
301261 JUNCTION BOX 089
301262 SWITCH 091
806201 BALL BEARING 6201 ZZ 101
301263 SPINDLE COVER 102
806202 BALL BEARING 6202 ZZ 103
301264 SPINDLE 104
301265 DRILL CHUCK 105
301266 CHUCK KEY 106

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