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By doing so you now have an excellent product,
delivered by one of Europe’s leading suppliers. All
products delivered to you by Ferm are
manufactured according to the highest standards
of performance and safety. As part of our
philosophy we also provide an excellent customer
service, backed by our comprehensive Warranty.
We hope you will enjoy using this product for
many years to come.
The numbers in the text refer to the diagrams
on pages 2-3.
Read the operating instructions
carefully before using this device.
Familiarise yourself with its functions
and basic operation. Service the device
as per the instructions to ensure that it
always functions properly. The
operating instructions and the
accompanying documentation must be
kept in the vicinity of the device.
1. Machine information
2. Safety instructions
3. Mounting accessories
4. Operation
5. Service & maintenance
Technical specifications
Voltage 18 V
Charger voltage 230 V
Charger frequency 50 Hz
Battery capacity 1.0 Ah
Charging time 3-5 hours
Max. torque 10 Nm
No-load speed 0-550/min
Chuck capacity 0.8-10 mm
Weight (incl. battery) 1.579 kg
Lpa (acoustic pressure) 74+3 dB(A)
Lwa (acoustic power) 85+3 dB(A)
Vibration value
When drilling in metal 1,18+1,5 m/s
Vibration level
The vibration emission level stated in this
instruction manual has been measured in
accordance with a standardised test given in EN
60745; it may be used to compare one tool with
another and as a preliminary assessment of
exposure to vibration when using the tool for the
applications mentioned
- using the tool for different applications, or with
different or poorly maintainted accessories,
may significantly increase the exposure level
- the times when the tool is switched off or when
it is running but not actually doing the job, may
signifi cantly reduce the exposure level
Protect yourself against the effects of vibration by
maintaining the tool and its accessories, keeping
your hands warm, and organizing your work
Contents of packing
1 Cordless drill
2 Batteries
1 Adapter + battery holder
1 Double-sided bits
1 Operating instructions
1 Safety instructions
1 Warranty card
Check the appliance, any loose parts and
accessories for damage caused during transport.
Product information
Fig. A
1. On/off switch
2. Torque setting ring
3. Chuck
4. Battery
5. Direction switch
Denotes risk of personal injury, loss of
life or damage to the tool in case of non-
observance of the instructions in this
Indicates electrical shock hazard.

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