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Effects tables continued from previous page...
Mono Delay Small Hall
Mono Echo Filter Large Hall
Stereo Echo Filter Small Room
Multitap Delay Large Room
Ping Pong Delay Small Plate
Ducking Delay Large Plate
Reverse Delay Ambient
Tape Delay Arena
Stereo Tape Delay Fender '63 Spring
Fender '65 Spring
3. Press EXIT to return to Play mode.
You can switch to a different effect category at any time,
even while you are in the effect selection menus, by
pressing and holding a different Effects button.
Effect Settings
Use the Effects Settings menus to adjust a dazzling array of
effect settings.
To adjust Effect Settings:
1. Press and hold any Effect button (STOMP, MOD, DELAY,
2. Turn the DATA WHEEL to select the effect you want to
work with.
3. Press the DATA WHEEL one or more times until the setting
that you want to adjust is highlighted, then turn the DATA
WHEEL to adjust the setting.
4. Press EXIT to return to Play mode.
You can bypass an effect at any time, even while you
are in the effect settings menus, by pressing the Effect
buttons or corresponding footswitch buttons.
Tap Button
The TAP button can be used to "tap in" delay time and
modulation rate settings, by rhythmically pressing the TAP
When you select a delay effect, the TAP button will blink
in time with the delay time setting. When you select a
modulation effect, the TAP button will blink in time with
the modulation rate setting (note that modulation rates can
have up to 12 second intervals and the TAP button will flash
When both delay and modulation effects are selected
simultaneously, the TAP button will blink in time with the
delay effect and will only control the delay time setting.
You can use the Effects menus or Fender FUSE to set
delay time and modulation rates more precisely.
To set the TAP interval of effects:
1. Select a Delay or Modulation effect that causes the TAP
button to blink, using the Effects menus (see Selecting
Effects, page 3).
2. Press the TAP button rhythmically (twice minimum) in time
with the desired interval. If you press the TAP button only
once, the interval will be set to the maximum.
If you open the Effect settings menu (see Effect Settings,
above), you can watch the actual TAP values you are
setting while you are tapping them in!
Saving Presets
Your Mustang™ amplifier gives you the powerful ability to
save every setting on the amplifier as part of a preset. When
you select a preset, the level of each knob, every effect
setting, and the amp model selection, are instantly recalled to
your pre-programmed settings.
The SAVE button will light up red when you turn
any programmable knob or edit any other setting
on the amp. This indicates that you have temporarily modified
the preset. You can undo your modifications by turning the
DATA WHEEL to a different preset and then back again.
The EXIT button will not cancel changes to the current
preset. Only by selecting a different preset using the
DATA WHEEL, Footswitch, or Fender FUSE, will your
temporary changes be erased.
To save a preset:
1. To save a preset you should first modify an existing preset,
for example, by turning any of the programmable knobs,
such as GAIN.
Press the DATA WHEEL repeatedly
to select the next Effect setting
f e n d e r . c o m

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  • hallo mede gitaristen

    sinds kort ben ik in het bezit van een fender mustang v + 412 cabinet

    mijn vraag is , is er ook een Nederlandse handleiding voor deze ?

    mvg ozzy Gesteld op 6-9-2014 om 10:38

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Andere handleiding(en) van Fender Mustang V

Fender Mustang V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Fender Mustang V Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch, English - 20 pagina's

Fender Mustang V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 12 pagina's

Fender Mustang V Snelstart handleiding - Français, Italiano, Português - 20 pagina's

Fender Mustang V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 12 pagina's

Fender Mustang V Snelstart handleiding - Espanõl - 20 pagina's

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