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Connect a (optional) 1-button footswitch (P/N 0994049000)
into the FTSW jack to enable remote selection of your two
favorite presets. The LED (next to the FTSW jack) will turn red
or green to indicate which footswitch preset is active.
To program the footswitch:
1. Select a preset that you want to assign to the footswitch.
The preset must not be modified (the SAVE button must
NOT be illuminated to proceed to step 2).
2. Press the SAVE button. The SAVE and EXIT buttons should
be flashing rapidly. You can press EXIT at this point to
cancel the footswitch assignment process.
3. Press the footswitch button to select either the red or
green LED next to the FTSW jack to associate with the
chosen preset.
4. Press the SAVE button to confirm the footswitch
assignment. Now when you press the footswitch, the
chosen preset will be activated with the assigned red or
green footswitch indicator.
USB Port
Use the USB port to connect the Mustang amplifier to your
computer and take your music to the next level:
Use Fender® FUSE™ software to control your Mustang
from your computer and access bonus amp features not
available from the Mustang alone.
Please see the Fender FUSE manual at www.fender.
com/support for details.
Record and edit Mustang audio using Ableton® Live Lite 8
Fender® Edition software.
Please see the Ableton® Live Lite 8 Fender edition at
www.fender.com/support for details.
Stream live audio and play with people around the
world using Fender® BAND JAM, powered by eJamming®
For a 30-day trial subscription, log on to: www.fender.
Factory Restore &
Firmware Update
Factory Restore
You can restore your Mustang amplifier to the original factory
settings if desired. All user presets will be erased!
To restore the Mustang amplifier to factory settings:
1. Turn the amplifier OFF.
2. Press and hold the EXIT button while turning the amplifier
ON. Continue holding the EXIT button until it is no longer
The FACTORY RESTORE function will erase all user
modified presets. It will also restore the AMBER bank
of presets and any effect selections that have been
modified using Fender FUSE software.
Firmware Update
From time to time, Fender may make available firmware
updates for your Mustang amplifier to improve operation
or to add new features. To update the firmware on your
amplifier you will need to connect it through the USB port
to a computer with Fender FUSE software and an internet
Please see the Fender FUSE manual at www.fender.
com/support for details.
There are several great places you can go to learn more about
the Mustang and music in general:
Join a Fender Community forum where you can ask
questions and read threads. There's even a forum just for
the Mustang: www.fender.com/community/forums
Log on to the Fender Knowledge Base to download and
read "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ): www.fender.
Find music theory learning materials and sheet music at
Hal Leonard Publications: www.halleonard.com
I / II
f e n d e r . c o m

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  • hallo mede gitaristen

    sinds kort ben ik in het bezit van een fender mustang v + 412 cabinet

    mijn vraag is , is er ook een Nederlandse handleiding voor deze ?

    mvg ozzy Gesteld op 6-9-2014 om 10:38

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Andere handleiding(en) van Fender Mustang V

Fender Mustang V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Fender Mustang V Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch, English - 20 pagina's

Fender Mustang V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 12 pagina's

Fender Mustang V Snelstart handleiding - Français, Italiano, Português - 20 pagina's

Fender Mustang V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 12 pagina's

Fender Mustang V Snelstart handleiding - Espanõl - 20 pagina's

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