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The front panel contains all items necessary for system
operation and observation. Please read this section of the
manual carefully to make sure you understand all the
operational features of your new Fender BXR 300. The Front
Panel is similar for both the 300R and 300C.
(A) INPUT: Two inputs are provided;
Input 1 -
High gain
Input 2 -
Low gain
The high gain input (INPUT 1) should be used for most
instruments. This input can handle as much as 3.5 volts
R.M.S., while the low gain input (INPUT 2) accepts 7 volts
R.M.S. without audible distortion. For both cases this is
greater than any active bass with a 9 volt battery can
produce. if you are using a bass with dual 9 volt batteries, or
a "hot" passive bass it might be wise to try input 2. For the
rare case where two players want to use one amplifier, or
where two instruments are to be used during the
performance, both inputs may be used.
provides high frequency
provides low frequency boost, while
eliminating sub-sonic noises below 40 Hz.
(C) VOLUME: This control sets the gain of the preamp and
serves as an adjustment for the "loudness" of the amplifier.
(D) TREBLE: - adjusts the high frequency part of the spectrum.
Turning the treble up will cause the sound to become
"BRIGHT" or more "CRISP".
(E) MID: - Can be used to add or subtract the frequency range
set by MID FREQUENCY control.
(F) MID FREQUENCY: - Adjusts the frequency of boost or cut
by the MID control.
(G) BASS - adjusts the low frequency part of spectrum, the
area where the "deep" fundamental reside.
(H) PREAMP OUT: The preamp jack is a source of signal as it
appears at the power amp input. This jack can be used as a
"LINE OUT" or as a "SEND" point for an external effects
(I) POWER AMP IN: Use of this jack allows the default input
signal from the preamp to be replaced by an external source,
(usually the "return" from an effects device).
(J) DELTACOMP™: With this button in, DELTACOMP™ is
active, in the out position, DELTACOMP™ is deactivated,
and a special ASYMMETRIC LIMITER circuit is enabled. The
LED next to this button indicates that the power amplifier has
reached full power and that either DELTACOMP™ or
LIMITING has occurred, depending which position that the
switch is in. The unit may seem louder without DELTACOMP™
since the power amp will be allowed to go into clipping. With
DELTACOMP™ on, your volume level will be rather loud
before the compressor turns on; this is normal.
(K) POWER: Turns the BXR 300 on or off.

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