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The Fender BXR 300 AMPLIFIER is the most recent effort in
state of the art bass amplifier technology, and is a member of
the FENDER BXR series. The design execution of the BXR 300
was carried out with the aid of some of today’s best players,
and represents years of thought and consideration in the
determination of features and specifications. The features
included in the BXR 300 will provide a forum for almost every
conceivable playing style from “contemporary” to those yet to
This manuel covers all the features and functions for both BXR
300 models; the BXR 300R (rack mount) and the BXR 300C
(1-15 combo).
Much attention has been given to those who would like to
take advantage of the new signal processing devices which
have appeared in recent time. Processors from simple battery
powered devices to professional rack mounted studio types
may be used. This facility is accomplished through the use of
“PREAMP OUT” and “POWER AMP IN”. The preamp section
of the BXR 300 features two inputs, of differing sensitivity. A
pair of buttons called “ENHANCE” are provided to allow
enhancement of the low or high end of the spectrum. Active
“BASS” and “TREBLE” controls allow response tailoring of the
high and low frequency areas of the sounds you and your
instrument produce.
The “MID” and “MID FREQUENCY” controls allow up to 20
decibels of boost or cut of the mid frequencies from 150 Hz
to 4kHz. The rugged 300 Watt power amplifier was designed
to give reliable service under all conditions and is equipped
with our exclusive DELTACOMP™ adaptive compression
system. When DELTACOMP™ engages, it is practically
impossible to cause the power amplifiers to clip (distort). With
DELTACOMP™, apparent compressor release time is kept
short yet waveform distortion is kept to a minimum at low
The BXR 300R is designed to perform well with almost any
high quality speaker system, but performs best when used
with members of the FENDER BXR and HM series. Speakers
in these series include the BXR-115 , with a single fifteen inch
FENDER special design driver, BXR-215 with two fifteen inch
FENDER special design drives, BXR-410 with four ten inch
FENDER special design drivers or the BXR SPECTRUM,
employing one eighteen inch and two ten inch FENDER
special design drivers and a BI-AMP ready crossover

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