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9 Manual magnetic drilling machines
7 Start bringing the tap to the workpiece but handle with care and do not apply pressure.
When the tap touches the material it is automatically pulled into the material. After you will
have to use minimum pressure to feed the tap. Too much pressure will cause damage and
8 After the tapping is finished switch the machine to reverse and the tap will be retracted.
TIP: In order to protect the first thread cut, rotate the motor slide upwards after you have retracted
the tap out of the material.
3.6 Speed and torque setting
Fe Powertools magnetic drills are provided with following speeds
FE 30 450 min
FE 32 450 min
FE 32 R/L 0350 min
FE 36 S 400 min
FE 50 250 min
450 min
FE 50 R/L 50250 min
100450 min
FE 100 R/L 40140 min
120480 min
To adjust speed first set the required gear using the gear switch on the side of the gearbox. After the
speed can be finetuned using the rotary switch on the side of the drilling unit (FE 50 R/L, FE 100 R/L)
or on the control panel (FE 32 R/L).
With model FE 100 R/L the torque setting can be electronically controlled by means of the rotary
switch. If the setting is reduced, the machine will switch off in case of increased load. It is
recommended to test this during the first applications so that cutter breakage is avoided if the user
is unskilled.
TIP: After the machine stops, caused by the torque control, you have to press the 0 on the motor
on/off switch before you can turn on the machine again.
In case of blocking. model FE 100 R/L is extra protected by a safety clutch.
10 Manual magnetic drilling machines
4. Tips and Tricks
TIP: Do not use your magnetic drill on the same structure when ARC welding is in progress. D.C.
current will earth back through the magnet and cause irreparable damage.
TIP: When using models with gear and variable speed always select a setting with low transmission
ratio and high motor speed, if possible.
TIP: After tapping, iIn order to protect the first thread cut, rotate the motor slide upwards after you
have retracted the tap out of the material.
TIP: After the FE 100 R/L stops, caused by the torque control, you have to press the 0 on the motor
on/off switch before you can turn on the machine again.
TIP: After FE 100 R/L stops, caused by the thermal protection, let the motor run on high speed and
no load for about 2 minutes in order to cool down.
TIP: For 100% magnet clamping force you need at least 10 mm of steel. Coatings, paintings and dirt
between magnet and workpiece will affect clamping force.
TIP: Most situations which cause problems or question marks have already occurred for other users.
Contact Fe Powertools or your dealer to see if a solution exists for your situation. (example: for
drilling into nonmagnetic material with your magnetic drill, a special vacuum system has been
WARNING: This appliance must be earthed.
WARNING: After drilling the slug will be ejected and is very hot.
WARNING: When drilling in inverted position, cutting oil can enter the motor and can cause
irreparable damage.
WARNING: When drilling in inverted position, metal swarf can enter the motor. This can cause
irreparable damage and can cause electrical shocks.
WARNING: Steel plates of less than 10 mm thickness, coatings, paints and dirt between magnet and
workpiece can affect clamping force and create a possible dangerous situation. Always make sure
your magnetic drill is fastened with the supplied safety chain and make sure your machine is
sufficient attached to the workpiece to start drilling.
5. Maintenance
Guidance: Check guidance regularly, it may have to be adjusted. Release the counter nuts when
dealing with machines with guide beads and tighten the setscrews uniformly. Then retighten the
Tool holder/arbor: Clean the tool holder/arbor from the interior regularly.

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