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7 Manual magnetic drilling machines
Still it is not necessary to use a lot of pressure. Too much pressure will cause damage
and breakage.
8 After the cut is finished the slug will automatically be ejected from the cutter, switch the
machine off by pushing the red button(0).
9 If the slug gets stuck in the cutter, move the machine to a flat surface. Switch on the
magnet and gently bring the cutter down in contact with the surface. This usually allows
a slug to straighten and to eject.
WARNING: The slug will be ejected and is very hot
4.4 Drilling with twist drills
There are several accessories available to be able to use twist drills with your magnetic drill.
Adapter 19 mm Weldon ½”x20 UNF
Adapter 19 mm Weldon – B16 taper connection
Adapter 19 mm Weldon – B18 taper connection
These adapters will allow you to attach a drill chuck on to the hole cutter arbor.
However when using longer twist drills you will notice the stroke of your magnetic drilling machine is
often not large enough. With models FE 32 and FE 32 R/L you are able to remove the hole cutter
arbor and guidance. It will reveal a ½”x20 NF direct connection on the drilling unit, enabling you to
attach a corresponding drill chuck. To dismount the arbor unscrew the 4 hexagon screws under the
guidance support. After, unscrew the arbor from the motor using an open ended spanner 18 and 20
Models FE 50, FE 50 R/L and FE 100 R/L are equipped with Morse taper adapters. They can be
removed easily and a twist drill or drill chuck with direct taper connection can be inserted in to the
drilling unit.
Also twist drills with a direct Weldon connection are available (ranging from Ø 6 – Ø 12 mm)
1 Place the machine at the desired position
2 Switch on the magnet
3 Ensure that the magnetic drilling unit is secure on the working piece.
4 Aply cutting oil to the twist drill and workpiece. Always use cutting oil from your dealer.
5 Set the right RPM by adjusting the gear switch and/or variable speed control. (models FE 32
R/L, FE 50 R/L and FE 100 R/L). The gear switch can be found on the side of the gear box.
Variable speed for FE 32 R/L is placed on the control panel. The variable speed adjust of FE
50 R/L and FE 100 R/L can be found on the side of the drilling unit.
6 Start the motor by pressing the green motor start button.
8 Manual magnetic drilling machines
7 Start bringing the twist drill to the workpiece but handle with care and do not apply too
much pressure. The drill has to find its way in to the material by itself. It is not necessary to
use a lot of pressure. Too much pressure will cause damage and breakage.
8 After the cutting is finished switch the machine off by pushing the red button.
3.5 Tapping / threading
With models FE 32 R/L, FE 50 R/L and FE 100 R/L you are able to make a thread in the drilled hole. All
3 models have a reverse option. Only model FE 100 R/L has the possibility to make thread in “blind”
holes. FE 50 R/L and FE 100 R/L drilling units are equipped with a direct Morse taper connection. A
tap chuck can be inserted to this connection.
Model FE 32 R/L can only make threads using the tap holder inserts (picture 2). Tap holders DIN376
M10, M12 and M14 are standard delivered with every FE 32 R/L and FE 50 R/L.
Available sizes:
DIN376: M8, M10, M12, M14, M16, M18, M20, M2224, M27, M30
ISO529: M8, M10, M12, M14, M16, M18, M20, M2224, M27, M30
1 Place the machine at the desired position
2 Switch on the magnet
3 Ensure that the magnetic drilling unit is secure on the working piece.
4 Aply cutting oil to the tap and workpiece. Always use cutting oil from your dealer.
5 Set the right RPM by adjusting the gear switch and/or variable speed control. (models FE 32
R/L, FE 50 R/L and FE 100 R/L). The gear switch can be found on the side of the gear box.
Variable speed for FE 32 R/L is placed on the control panel. The variable speed adjust of FE
50 R/L and FE 100 R/L can be found on the side of the drilling unit. First set the correct gear,
after adjust the variable speed.
TIP: If possible, always select a setting with low transmission ratio and high motor speed.
6 Start the motor by pressing the green motor start button.

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