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If you have a claim under this warranty, please call our Customer Assistance Number.
For faster service, please have the model number and product name ready for the
operator to assist you. This number can be found on the bottom of your appliance
and on the front page of this manual.
Model Number: __________________ Product Name: __________________
Customer Assistance Number 1-855-451-2897 (US)
Keep these numbers for future reference!
Two-year limited warranty
What does your warranty cover?
• Anydefectinmaterialorworkmanship.
For how long after the original purchase?
• Twoyears.
What will we do?
• Provideyouwithanewone.
• Forthoseitemsstillunderwarrantybut
no longer available, WAL-MART reserves
the right to replace with a similar
FARBERWARE branded product of equal
or greater value.
How do you make a warranty claim?
• Saveyourreceipt.
• Properlypackyourunit.Werecommend
using the original carton and packing
• Returntheproducttoyournearest
WAL-MART store or call Customer
Assistance at 1-855-451-2897 (US).
What does your warranty not cover?
• Partssubjecttowear,including,
without limitation, glass parts, glass
containers, cutter/strainer, blades, seals,
gaskets, clutches, motor brushes, and/
or agitators, etc.
• Commercialuseoranyotherusenot
found in printed directions.
• Damagefrommisuse,abuse,or
neglect, including failure to clean
product regularly in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
How does state law relate to this
• Thiswarrantygivesyouspeciclegal
rights, and you may also have other
rights which vary from state to state or
province to province.
• Thiswarrantyisinlieuofanyother
warranty or condition, whether
express or implied, written or oral,
including, without limitation, any
statutory warranty or condition
of merchantability or tness for a
particular purpose.
product manufacturer expressly
disclaim all responsibility for special,
incidental, and consequential
damages or losses caused by use
of this appliance. Any liability is
expressly limited to an amount equal
to the purchase price paid whether
a claim, however instituted, is based
on contract, indemnity, warranty, tort
(including negligence), strict liability, or
otherwise. Some states or provinces do
not allow this exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential losses, so
the foregoing disclaimer may not apply
to you.
What if you encounter a problem with this
product while using it outside the country
of purchase?
• Thewarrantyisvalidonlyinthecountry
of purchase and if you follow the
warranty claim procedure as noted.
© 2012 Farberware Licensing Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Copyrights and Trademarks of Farberware Licensing Company,
LLC, including FARBERWARE®, are used under license from
Farberware Licensing Company, LLC.
Before storage, always make sure the appliance is completely cool, clean and •
It is recommended to store the appliance in a dry place. •
Store the power cord • (10) in the cord storage (9) of the appliance.
Store the appliance on a stable shelf or in a cupboard, preferably in its original •
packaging. To avoid accidents, ensure that both the appliance and its power cord
are beyond reach of children or pets.
The appliance is not
Appliance not plugged in
Wall outlet not energized
Insert the plug (10) into
the wall outlet
Check fuses and circuit
The appliance
does not reach set
Lid (2) not placed on the
The appliance is in
stand-by mode
Place the lid (2) on the pot
(6) during the cooking
Press the button (18) to
start the cooking process
Food not fully cooked Food parts too large
Cooking time too short
Remove food and chop
into smaller pieces
Continue cooking and
check process regularly
If additional assistance is needed, please contact our Customer Assistance at
Rated voltage: 120V ~ 60Hz Rated power input: 200W
Rated current: 1.66A Capacity: 6 qt
Slow Cooker_104554_IM_US_V7_121212.indd 27 12/12/12 2:32:05 PM

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