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Makes 10 to 12 servings.
Tip: Frozen blueberries can be substituted for fresh. Thaw and drain well and then
proceed to toss in our.
Tip: If lemon glaze is not included in your mun mix package, combine
1 cup confectioners’ sugar with 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Stir in an additional
1 tablespoon lemon juice, or as needed to make of glaze consistency.
Chocolate Almond Pound Cake
1 package (18.25 ounces) double chocolate mun mix
1 cup water
1 egg
½ tsp teaspoon almond extract
½ cup sifted confectioners’ sugar
½ tsp almond extract
2-3 tsps milk
¼ cup sliced almonds, toasted
Line the bottom of 9 x 5-inch loaf pan with parchment paper or wax paper. Grease
and our paper.
Combine mun mix, water, egg, and almond extract, stirring just until •
Spoon the batter into prepared pan. Place in slow cooker.•
Cover and cook on• High 3 hours.
Allow to stand 10 minutes, then turn out of pan. Allow to cool completely on •
wire rack.
Combine confectioners sugar, almond extract and milk; stir until smooth. Drizzle •
over cake, then sprinkle with toasted almonds.
Makes 10 to 12 servings.
Tip: To toast almonds, preheat oven to 350° F. Spread almonds in a single layer in a
baking pan. Bake 5 to 7 minutes or until toasted.
It is recommended to always preheat the appliance, as will reduce cooking •
It is recommended to only cook defrosted food and cook from a fridge •
It is recommended to only use nylon, heat-proof plastic or wooden cooking •
utensils. Metal utensils may damage the non-stick surface.
During slow cooking liquids do not boil away. Begin with a small amount of •
liquid and add more during the cooking process when needed. If there is too
much liquid at the end of the cooking process, set the slow cooker to “hi high.
Cook on this setting to reduce the amount of liquid.
For better avor do not crush or ground herbs and spices.•
Meats with a high fat percentage can inuence the avor of the dish. Browning •
or precooking can reduce the fat.
Cut foods into smaller pieces. They will cook faster than foods left whole.•
Some vegetables require a longer cooking time. Place vegetables like potatoes, •
carrots or beets on the bottom of the pot. Cover with liquid.
Add pre-cooked rice or pasta only at the end of the cooking process.•
Proper maintenance will ensure many years of service from your appliance. Clean
the appliance after every use. The appliance contains no user serviceable parts and
requires little maintenance. Leave any servicing or repairs to qualied personnel.
CAUTION: Disconnect the plug (10) from the wall outlet. Allow all parts of the
appliance to cool down completely.
NOTE: Do not immerse the power cord with plug (10) and housing (12) into water
or any other liquid. Do not use abrasive cleaners, steel wool or scouring pads (ill.
). Dry all parts thoroughly after cleaning, before using or storing the appliance.
Ensure that no water enters the appliance housing.
The pot • (6) and lid (2) can be fully immersed in water and are dishwasher safe.
Clean all part of the appliance after each use.•
Clean the inside and outside of the housing • (12) with a slightly damp, soft cloth.
NOTE: Dry all parts and surfaces thoroughly before use. Make sure that all parts and
surfaces are completely dry before connecting the appliance to a wall outlet.
Slow Cooker_104554_IM_US_V7_121212.indd 25 12/12/12 2:32:04 PM

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