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The Environment
You can solve the following problems yourself:
4.1 The oven does not switch on. Check it is
plugged in and that the time selector dial is
not turned to 0.
4.2 Smoke comes out during cooking. Turn
the temperature down and/or clean the oven
(point 3.3).
4.3 The oven makes a noise after cooking.
This is normal, as the fan keeps running until
the temperature inside and outside the oven
is reduced.
Digital display models have a diagnosis system
which detects any problems and warns the user.
You can see this on the display:
4.4 Oven not working. is fl ashing. Turn the
function selector dial to 0 and set the time
(point 2.3).
4.5 Oven not working.
is fl ashing. The
oven has been working for several hours
and for safety reasons it has switched off
automatically. Turn the function selector dial
to 0 and set the time (point 2.3).
4.6 Oven not working.
is fl ashing. Turn the
function selector dial to 0 and remove the
child lock (point 2.11).
4.7 Oven not working.
is fl ashing. Press
any button.
• Do not try to repair the oven yourself.
Call the technical assistance service.
This oven has been designed with
environmental protection in mind.
Respect the environment. Only preheat the
oven when necessary (see table). Use dark
coloured cake tins whenever possible. For
long cooking times, switch off the oven 5 or 10
minutes before the end of cooking time.
Management of waste electrical and
electronic equipment.
The symbol
indicates that the appliance must
not be disposed of in traditional bins for domestic
Take your oven to the a special collection centre.
Recycling domestic appliances will prevent
negative consequences for health and the
environment and will allow savings on energy and
For further information, contact the local
authorities or the shop where you bought the
The oven must be installed by an authorised
installer in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and diagrams.
The electrical installation must be dimensioned
for the maximum power indicated on the
reference plate and the electrical socket must
have a regulatory earth connection.
The mains circuit supplying the oven must have
a single-pole cut-off switch with at least 3 mm
between contacts.
If the power cord is damaged, it must be
replaced by the after-sales technical service or
by similarly qualifi ed staff, to avoid hazard.
Ensure the appliance is unplugged from the
mains before replacing the oven lamp, to avoid
electric shock.
Do not use abrasive cleaning products or metal
scouring pads to clean the oven door, as they
could scratch the surface and cause the glass
to shatter.
Keep small children away from the oven. It
has accessible parts that can heat up during
Do not touch the heating elements inside the
This appliance is not intended for use by
people (including children) whose physical,
sensory, or mental capacities are reduced or
who lack experience or knowledge, except
under supervision or after receiving instruction
regarding use of the appliance from a person
responsible for their safety. Use by children
should be supervised to prevent them playing
with the appliance.
3.5 Cleaning the outside of the oven. Use
neutral cleaning products and dry the oven
well with a soft cloth.
Warnings: 1. Make sure the oven is switched off.
2. Never use steam cleaning machines.
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

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