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Instruction manual
Important! Read the entire manual before using the oven. The documentation and accessories are
inside the oven.
The texts in the manual correspond to the numbered diagrams.
Using the oven
To nd out which model your oven is (“a”, “b”,
c”, “d”, “e”, “f”) compare its control panel with
the control panels shown in the illustrations.
1.1 Unpacking. Remove all the protective
packaging elements.
1.2 Mains connection. Always take into account
the data on the reference plate (1.2.1) and
the measurements of the cabinet the oven
will be housed in (1.2.2, 1.2.3).
Freestanding ovens: the appliance must be
connected to the mains with a fi xed single-
phase connection with the neutral (blue)
connection guaranteed (1.2.4). Fit the oven
into the space, ensuring there is no excess
cable in the upper part (1.2.5, 1.2.6). Screw
it to the fi tting using the two screws supplied
Multi-purpose ovens for vitro-ceramic
hobs: to avoid hazard, the oven may only
be installed with the vitro-ceramic hobs
recommended by the manufacturer. Fit the
cooking hob into the worktop and remove
the switch box (1.2.8). Insert the hob in the
worktop space according to the installation
requirements (see the hob manual) (1.2.9).
Insert the oven into the cabinet space,
leaving enough room for handling (1.2.10).
Screw the switch box onto the oven
(1.2.11, 1.2.12). Connect the hob to the
oven (1.2.13). Fully insert the oven and fi x
it in place with the two screws supplied
(1.2.14, 1.2.15). Firmly push in the control
accessories, according to the cooking ring
type (1.2.16), and the controls (1.2.17).
Identifi cation
Before using your new oven for the fi rst time,
heat it up while empty (with no food in it and
with the control turned to
, at for 30 minutes
at 250ºC). It may produce some smoke or a bad
smell (this is normal and is caused by the oven
heating up grease residue etc.). When it has
cooled down, pre-clean it by wiping the inside
with a damp cloth.
2.1 Accessories. Depending on the model,
the oven is equipped with a Standard Tray
(2.1.1), a Deep Tray
(2.1.2) and a
Standard Rack
(2.1.3), which function
separately. You may also combine any tray
with the standard rack
(2.1.4) to
form a unit. The half-removable rack (2.1.5)
and the fully-removable rack (2.1.6, 2.1.7)
support the trays or the unit (2.1.8). Take
into account the position of the racks when
placing them inside the oven. They have anti-
overturn side stops (2.1.9).
2.2 Accessory positions. The accessories
can be fi tted in 5 different positions,
2.3 Setting the time. Ordinary clock: Pull on
the lower dial and turn it to the right (2.3.1).
Set the time (2.3.2). Digital clock: press the
(2.3.3). Set the time using
and buttons (2.3.4). After a few
will stop fl ashing (2.3.5).
Note: the time will need to be set again after an
electricity cut or when the hour changes.
2.4 Cooking the food. Place the food in the
oven. Consult the cooking table to choose
the accessory or accessories to be used and
their position. Close the oven door.
2.5 Selecting the cooking function.
Select the cooking function according to the
Traditional fanned heat. For any kind of
dish. Several dishes may be cooked at once
without their fl avours or smells mixing.
Turbo plus. The heat is produced by the
central element.
Fanned high grill. This browns the food,
distributing the heat evenly. Ideal for large-
sized roasts.
High grill. For browning pasta, souffl és and
bechamel sauce.
Low grill. For hamburgers, toast and food
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Fagor 6H-196 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Português, Espanôl - 58 pagina's

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