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Attention: When disconnecting the high-pressure hose, warm water may leak out.
Storage and transport
Place the machine on a solid, even and horizontal surface.
Remove the water from the pump, hose and other accessories. For that
purpose, you switch off the machine and disconnect the water supply hose.
Restart the machine and squeeze the spray gun. Let the machine run until no
water comes out of the spray lance. Switch the machine off immediately: Never
let it run dry!
Loosen the spray lance from the spray gun.
Twist off the high-pressure hose from the gun.
Place the spray gun and lancers in the holders.
Wind the high-pressure hose and make sure that it is not bent or comes in
contact with sharp edges or corners. Also, do not drive vehicles over the high-
pressure hose.
Hang the electric cable on the cable hook.
For long-term storage, such as in the winter, also comply with the maintenance
Always store the high-pressure cleaner, components and accessories in a place
inaccessible to children.
The ideal storage temperature is between 10°C and 30°C, therefore frost-free.
If that’s not possible, then let the machine suck in anti-freeze. Before using the
machine again, rinse it well with clean water. Should the machine freeze
nevertheless, then check it before use.
Attention: Never start a frozen high-pressure cleaner.
Attention: Damage due to frost is not covered by the warranty.
Protect the machine against severe shocks and/or strong vibrations during
transport in a vehicle.
Always switch off the machine and take the plug out of the socket when
carrying out maintenance tasks.
Rinse clean the water supply hose, high-pressure hose, spray lance, spray gun
and any other accessories properly before you start using them.
Carefully remove dust, sand and other dirt from the connections.
Clean the nozzle regularly using the pin included in the delivery and afterwards
rinsing it well against the spraying direction. To do so, remove the lance of the
spray gun.

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