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Direct the mouthpiece of the selected accessory
(pointed/flat jet, rotary dust-mill or perhaps the
terrace cleaner) away from you to the surface to be
Squeeze the trigger until a constant quantity of water
streams through the spray mouth, so that the air in
the hose can escape.
Let go of the handgrip.
Turn the switch to “ON”.
Hold the spray gun with both hands. Direct the water
jet to the object to be cleaned and squeeze the trigger.
Let go of the trigger of the spray gun, the water jet will stop and the machine
will switch off. Lock the trigger of the spray gun.
During longer breaks (longer than 5 minutes) switch off the machine using the
ON/OFF switch.
What out for the kickback when squeezing the trigger!
Due to the automatic start/stop mechanism, the motor works only with
a squeezed trigger.
Working with cleaning agents
Attention: The cleaning agent can be added only when the machine is used at a
low-pressure mode. Pull the pointed/flat jet head forwards.
Attention: When using a cleaning agent, you must observe the data safety sheets
of the manufacturer of the cleaning agent, especially the instructions
regarding personal protection equipment.
Attention: Use only a cleaning agent specifically suitable for high-pressure
Remove the cap of the cleaning agent that you will
Remove the cap of the tank for the cleaning agent in
the machine.
Fill the tank with the cleaning agent.
Reinsert the hose and return the cap.
Spray a bit of cleaning agent on the dry surface; let it
react, but not dry.
Using the cleaning agent button, you can control the
quantity of additional cleaning agent.
Spray off the loose dirt with high pressure.
Switching off
Let go of the trigger of the spray gun.
Turn off the machine switch using the OFF/ON
Close the water supply.
Let any pressure escape by squeezing the trigger
until no water comes out of the nozzle.
Take the plug out of the socket.

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