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Place to Install the Mounting Bracket
Carry out the power supply wiring work for the installation location of the mounting bracket in advance.
Install the projector away from other electric devices such as fluorescent lights or air conditioners. Some
kinds of fluorescent lights could interfere with the remote control of the projector.
It is recommended to keep connection cable length less than 20 meters to reduce external noise.
Install the mounting bracket in a place free from excessive dust and humidity to prevent the lens or
optical components from becoming dirty.
About This Installation Guide
This guide describes how to mount the short-throw projector EB-460i/460/450Wi/450W/440W to a wall using
the exclusive mounting bracket.
The installation work should be performed by at least two qualified service personnel. If you need to
loosen any screws during installation, be careful not to drop the mounting bracket.
If the mounting bracket or projector falls, it could cause personal injury or property damage.
Inspect the mounting bracket on a regular basis to ensure there are no broken parts or loose screws.
If there are any broken parts, stop using the mounting bracket immediately. If the mounting bracket or projector falls, it
could cause personal injury or property damage.
Never modify the mounting bracket.
Do not hang on the mounting bracket or hang a heavy object on the mounting bracket.
If the projector or mounting bracket falls, it could cause personal injury or property damage.
If you use adhesives to prevent the screws from loosening or things such as lubricants or oils on the slide
plate fixing part of the projector, the case may crack and cause the projector to fall, resulting in personal
injury or property damage. Do not use adhesives, lubricants, or oils to install or adjust the mounting
Tighten all screws firmly after adjustment.
If the screws are not tightened firmly, the projector or mounting bracket may fall and cause personal injury or property
Never loosen the bolts and nuts after installation.
Confirm that the screws have not become loose on a regular basis. If you find any loose screws, tighten them firmly. If the
screws are not tightened firmly, the projector or mounting bracket may fall and cause personal injury or property
Do not install the mounting bracket in a location where the operating temperature for your projector
model may be exceeded.
Such an environment may damage the projector.
Install the mounting bracket in a place free from excessive dust and humidity to prevent the lens or optical
components from becoming dirty.
Do not use excessive force when adjusting the mounting bracket.
The mounting bracket may break, resulting in personal injury.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Epson eb 450w

Epson eb 450w Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 158 pagina's

Epson eb 450w Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 153 pagina's

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