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Safety Instructions
For your safety, read all the instructions in this guide before using the mounting bracket. Incorrect handling
that ignores instructions in this guide could damage the mounting bracket or could result in personal injury or
property damage. Keep this installation guide at hand for future reference.
Read the User's Guide and Safety Instructions for your projector and follow the instructions in these
Explanation of Symbols
The warning marks shown below are used throughout this installation guide to prevent personal injury or
property damage. Make sure you understand these warnings when reading this installation guide.
Safety Precautions for Installation
This symbol indicates information that, if ignored, could possibly result in personal injury or even death
due to incorrect handling.
This symbol indicates information that, if ignored, could possibly result in personal injury or physical
damage due to incorrect handling.
Symbol indicating an action that must not be done
Symbol indicating an action that should be done
The mounting bracket is designed specifically for mounting a projector to a wall. If anything other than a
projector is mounted, the weight may result in damage.
If the mounting bracket falls, it could cause personal injury or property damage.
The installation work (wall mounting) should be performed by specialists who have technical knowledge
and ability. Incomplete or incorrect installation could cause the mounting bracket to fall and cause
personal injury or property damage. Contact the customer support office listed on the Epson Projector
Contact List in the User's Guide for your projector when installing the mounting bracket.
Follow the instructions in this guide when installing the mounting bracket.
If the instructions are not followed, the mounting bracket may fall, resulting in personal injury or an accident.
Handle the power cable carefully.
Incorrect handling may cause fire or electric shock. Observe the following precautions when handling:
• Do not handle the power plug with wet hands.
• Do not use a power cable that is damaged or modified.
• Do not pull the power cable with too much force when routing the cable through the mounting bracket.
When you mount the projector on the wall with the mounting bracket, the wall requires enough strength to
hold the projector and the mounting bracket. Confirm the mass of the projector and the mounting bracket
before installation, and maintain the strength of the wall. If the wall is not strong enough, reinforce the
wall before installation.
Do not install the mounting bracket in a place where it might be subjected to vibration or shock.
Vibration or shock could cause damage to the projector or mounting surface. It could also cause the mounting bracket or
projector to fall and cause personal injury or property damage.
Install the mounting bracket so that it can sufficiently support the mass of the projector and mounting
bracket, and resist any horizontal vibration. Use M8 nuts and bolts.
Nuts and bolts smaller than M8 could cause the mounting bracket to fall. Epson takes no responsibility for any damage or
injury caused by incorrect installation.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Epson eb 450w

Epson eb 450w Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 158 pagina's

Epson eb 450w Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 153 pagina's

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