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Fig. 1
Fig. 3
Fig. 2
Fig. 4 Fig.5
You can save up to ve emergency numbers (family members,
friends and ocial institutions).
¡ In an emergency press and hold the emergency button on the
back of the phone. (This works even when the keypad is locked.)
¡ The ve preset numbers will be dialled automatically in the
order you have saved them.
If it is not possible to get through to anyone on the rst number,
the second number will automatically be dialled.
If it is not possible to get through to anyone on the second
number, the third number will automatically be dialled,
and so on. (The phone will go through a list of ve numbers a
maximum of three times.)
¡ At the same time as each emergency call, a text message (SMS)
will be sent to the contact, saying: »You are about to receive an
emergency call. An audible warning signal will sound when
you answer the call. Please press the 0 key three times to
establish the connection.«
Note: The contact must press the 0 key within 60 seconds, or the
call will be disconnected (to prevent your emergency call going
through to a contact's mailbox).
¡ From the moment you make an emergency call, your emporia
phone will automatically answer any incoming calls for one
hour. To stop this function, press and hold
for 3 sec. or turn
your device o completely using
and then turn it on again.
¡ To cancel the emergency call, press and hold
¡ During the emergency call, a warning tone will sound contin-
uously, to alert anyone nearby and the person being called.
¡ If you do not have any emergency numbers saved, have no
credit on your prepaid phone card or are connected
to a foreign network without permission (e.g. roaming
is not activated), 112 will be dialled when you press the
emergency button.
Note: If you want to add the number of an official institution
such as the police or fire brigade as an emergency number,
you must check that this is okay with the respective institution
beforehand. We do not assume liability for any costs incurred
through you calling such an institution by mistake.
Adding/editing emergency numbers:
In the Settings menu _Emergency numbers
_Select an entry (e.g. EmNo.1) by pressing
_Select OK by pressing
_Select Private or Helporganisation
_Select a contact
Activating the emergency button:
In the Settings menu _Emergencybutton _On/O
Pre alarm:
The pre alarm is a warning tone that sounds for
ten seconds and alerts anyone nearby to the emergency.
After this, the emergency call sequence starts.
In the Settings menu _Emergencynumbers
_Prealarm _On/O
In the Settings menu _
You can personalise the settings for tones, signals and vibration
or select a set of predened settings (prole).
¡ Menu items: Ringtone, Alarmmelody, Ringervolume,
Silent/Sleepmode, Increasingring, Vibraforcall,
Vibraforalarm, Keytones, Messagetone, Vibraformessages,
Handsetvolume, Handsfreevolume, Conrmationtone,
¡ Silent/Sleepmode prole
Visual notications only (torch LED ashes, notications on the
display), no ringtone, no vibration function
Enter the number for your mailbox. You will nd this number in
the documents supplied by your network provider.
¡ PIN: PIN request on/o, change PIN
¡ Phonecode: on/o, change (factory preset code: 1234)
You can restore all the factory settings on your phone (factory
preset code: 1234).
Charging the phone using the charging unit:
Plug the charging cable into the port on the back of the
charging unit, and slot the phone into the charging unit.
Your phone has a camera. You will nd photos you have taken in
the menu under Photoalbum.
Taking a photo:
In standby mode, enable the camera by pressing
to take a photo.
Camera options:
If the camera is active press
in the Settings menu _Camerasettings
_Selftimer, Size, Memory (switching between device or
memory card as a location for photos).
Photo album:
Your photos will be saved in the Photoalbum menu.
and/or let you ick through the photo album.
¡ Pressing
opens Options for the selected picture.
Available options: View, Send, Wallpaper, Rename, Delete,
Note: You can connect your phone to a PC using the USB data cable
and transfer your photos.
Note: Using a micro SD card will increase the storage capacity
of your phone. You can purchase these cards from electronics
In the Tools menu _
¡ Settime: Enter the time and conrm. The alarm clock will now
go o at the time you have set every day.
¡ O: Disable alarm clock
Switch o the ringing alarm clock by pressing
Mute the alarm by pressing
(it will ring again after ve minutes).
Birthday reminder:
Entering a birthday: Newbirthday
_Select Fromcontacts or EnterName
_Under Setdate, enter the birthday date and
_under Remindertime, enter the time of day for the alarm
This function allows you to use Bluetooth-enabled
handsfree kits wirelessly.
¡ Bluetoothon/o:
Enable/disable Bluetooth
¡ Connect _Searchfornewdevices:
Search for devices you want to connect
_Select devices by pressing
The next time you enable Bluetooth, devices that have
been connected before will be recognised and connected
System update:
You can download the latest software for the phone yourself
and therefore update the system and improve applications
Attention: Run the update only when you have a mobile-data-
tariff !
_Open menu _Tools _System update _Checkforupdates;
A message will appear telling you whether or not there is any new
software available. If there is, select Download to start the update
_Once the download has been completed, select Update now.
You will be informed that you cannot use the phone during the
update process.
Attention: Do not press the on/off button during the update
process and do not start using your phone again until this
message has appeared: The installation was successful.
The display screen is just blank/black:
¡ Energy-saving is activated:
, or key.
¡ The keypad is locked and energy-saving mode is activated:
or the green button.
¡ The phone is switched o:
for two seconds to turn it on.
¡ The battery is completely empty, the phone has switched itself
o: Charge the battery.
Fig. 1: Remove the battery cover.
Fig. 2: Unlock and fold up the SIM card holder, insert the SIM card
with the gold contacts facing down and lock the holder.
Fig. 3: Insert the battery, making sure that the battery contacts
touch the phone's gold contacts.
Fig. 4: Put the battery cover on the phone and press it down.
Fig. 5: Plug the charging cable into the USB port on the top of the
Attention: Charge the battery for at least four hours before using it
the first time. Only use batteries and chargers that are permitted
for use with this specific model.
For information on simply making and receiving calls,
go to www.emporia.eu
PartNo: V50-4G_ShortManual-V2_54354-ENG | 202002 | Subject to mistakes, printing errors and technical changes.
<- 102,25mm -> <- 97,75mm -> <- 97,75mm -> <- 102,25mm ->
<- 141mm -><- 141mm ->

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Andere handleiding(en) van Emporia Active

Emporia Active Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Emporia Active Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Emporia Active Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

Emporia Active Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 2 pagina's

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