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You can steam vegetables at the same time you cook the meat or sh.
Main dish by placing the vegetables in an aluminium foil pouch: add a few drops
of water and seal the pouch and place on the wire rack.
You can also add a cup of water in the bottom pot, with savoury herbs and spices
to steam sh or vegetables.
You can get the eect of deep-fat French fries without all the oil.
By dipping the French fries in polyunsaturated cooking oil, allow excess oil to
drain away following the cooking guide.
To make delicious fried chicken, dip chicken pieces in batter and then in cooking
oil, and allow the excess oil drain, and cook according to chart provided.
You can get perfectly toasted bread and snacks with the convection oven without
preheating. Simply put the food directly on wire rack and watch it toast. It will be
crisp on the outside and stay so on the inside.
You can use the convection oven to defrost frozen food more evenly than micro-
wave ovens, simply set the temperature at 100°C and check the food every 5-10
e halogen oven is self-cleaning. Simply put 2 inches of water in the bottom
and set temperature at 100 for 10-12 minutes.
For heavy stains, add some detergent to the water and wipe the stains with a
damp cloth if needed.
Clean the stainless steel racks with a damp cloth
• Ingredients:
• Lobster-1kg
• Gingerjuice
• Salt,sugar
• Liquor
• Pepper
Preserve the lobster in salt for about 10-15 minutes, then put them
in the convection oven and cook 12-15 min with temperature of 140-160°C.
• Chicken
• Alittlestarch
• Somewine
• Maltsugar
• Vinegar
• Warmwater
Wash and clean the chicken with boiling water and then with cold water imme-
Mix the starch, melt sugar, honey and vinegar with some water. Apply the mix-
ture to the chicken with a brush several times. When the chicken dries, put it into
the convection oven.
Bake the chicken 20 min with a temperature of 150 – 200°C. en apply the mix-
ture again and bake 10 min at low temperature

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