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Put the steel racks into container, and then put the food in ensuring there
is some space between the food and the oven lid.
Ensure that the oven is compatible with your household power supply.
Turn the timer clockwise to your required time, the red lamp will light up.
Set the temperature controller clockwise to your required temperature,
and when the green light turns on this will indicate that the oven
is now functioning.
e green lamp will go on and o during the cooking process this indicates that
the oven has reached the required temperature and is being maintained
With the hot air circle and 65-250°C temperature range, the convection oven can
be for a number of dierent functions:
Including baking, roasting, grilling, toasting, broil and BBQ.
Defrost frozen foods quickly
Drying and sterilizing
Oven lid can be placed on other containers to cook
Modern medical science has shown that high cholesterol levels
can be a contributing factor in heart disease and vascular conditions.
e hot moving air circle in the convection oven will lower the fat content
of the food which will help to reduce cholesterol allowing for a healthier life style
Due to the high eciency of the hot moving air in the oven, the cooking time
and the consumed energy are reduced to minimum.
Preserving the food’s nutrition and the natural avour.
Prolonged cooking time and high temperatures reduce the natural avour and
the nutritional content of the cooked food and due to its design the oven helps
preserve the natural taste and locks in the nutrients.
Place the food directly on the wire rack (low or high rack)
For very thick cuts of meat, turn at the cooking halfway point
Like roasting, broiling time may vary depending on cut, size, amount of fat, etc.
Do not put the oven lid directly on the work top aer cooking as it will still be hot
and may damage the work top, use a heat resistant vessel until fully cooled
Do not immerse the oven lid in water or any other liquid.
Do not clean the product until it has cooled completely.
Do not touch the side or the lid of the product whilst in operation these are very
Always use the oven on a heat resistant surface and use oven gloves when using
this product
Children must be closely supervised whilst this product is in use or is cooling to
ensure that they do not play with the appliance .
is product should only be used for the purpose intended (household only)
is electrical appliance is not intended for use by children or inrm persons
without supervision or training from the person responsible for their safety .
Ensure that the cable and the product is away from the edge of the work top and
do not allow the cable to touch the side of the product whilst in use.
Remember to distribute food evenly in the Halogen oven to ensure an even ow
of air all around the food.
e rst time you try a recipe, it is recommended that you check the food
at regular intervals due to the shortened cooking times
To avoid the food sticking to the wire racks it is advised that the racks are oiled.
Place the product on a at level heat resistant surface whilst in use
Do not move the product whilst in use or when cooling.
Ensure that all food is thoroughly cooked and served piping hot.
in the event of a malfunction it is recommended that the appliance is taken to a
qualied person for inspection an/or repair

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