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Connecting the cu to the monitor
Insert the cu tubing connector into the socket on the left side of the monitor. Make sure that the
connector is completely inserted to avoid air leakage during blood pressure measurements.
Body posture during measurement
Sitting measurement
a. Sit with your feet at on the oor.
b. Place your arm, palm upwards, on a at surface or table.
c. The cu should be at the same level as your heart.
Lying down measurement
d. Lie on your back.
e. Place your arm straight along your side with your palm upwards.
f. The cu should be at the same level as your heart.
Applying the cu
a. Remove tight tting clothing from the upper arm.
b. Place the cu around the arm 1-2cm above the
elbow joint.
c. If sitting, place your hand, palm upwards, on a at
surface such as a table.
d. Position the air tube in the middle of your arm in
line with your middle nger. Fig. 3
Note: The red strip on the cu should be facing
downwards towards your hand. Fig. 2
e. Pulling the cu end through the medal loop
(the cu is packaged like this already), turn it
outward (away from your body) and tighten it and
fasten with the Velcro strip.
f. The cu should t comfortably, yet snugly around
your arm. You should be able to insert one nger
between your arm and the cu.
Measure on the same arm each time.
Stay quiet and calm for 5 minutes before
blood pressure measurement.
Do not move your arm, body or the monitor and do not move the
rubber tube during measurement.
If the cu becomes dirty, remove it from the monitor and clean it by hand with a mild detergent and
rinse it thoroughly in cold water.
Never dry the cu in a clothes dryer or iron it.
Fig. 3
Fig. 2
Fig. 1
Operating procedures
Insert 4 x AA 1,5V” size batteries in the battery compartment at
the back of the unit. Make sure that the polarities are placed
correctly. Fig. 1.
The LCD will not display anything at this point.
When the LCD shows the battery symbol, replace all batteries
with new ones.
Rechargeable batteries are not suitable for this monitor.
Remove the batteries if the monitor is not to be used for a
month or more to avoid damage from battery leakage.

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